Wear a mask

  • gim
    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    I just can’t see how wearing a cloth covering that absorbs will protect you from an airborn virus…..maybe for a person coughing that may have covid to reduce transmission but if you are, then stay the F out of the stores.

    It doesn’t protect you. It protects others. Get that through your hollow brain. You can spread respiratory droplets simply from talking too. Lots of people may have it and not know it. Like you. Or me.

    Bob Erfish
    Posts: 77

    A fart can pass through, but the fart droplets are captured securely in your underwear in the form of a skid mark. The fart itself would represent your breath, the skid mark represents your snot droplets, which is where the virus lives. Very effective.

    Posts: 425

    Splain this to me Lucy.

    A fart passes through 2 butt cheeks, underwear and a pair of jeans. Virus?

    Last I checked it didn’t pass through the cheeks but rather between. Seems there is a crack there the gas can escape. In most instances it does then pass through underwear unless of course you are going commando, then lastly the jeans. The exception to this is of course if you wear latex. Underwear and jeans are not meant to stop air but more so any moisture that may escape with it.
    Same with face masks. They are not designed to be air tight, the end result being disastrous. But they do stop droplets of moisture. Not 100 percent but NOTHING is 100 percent. Any percent is better than zero.

    Doug M
    SE SD
    Posts: 279

    the mainstream media makes it seem like it is a political thing but it couldn’t be further from the truth.

    I agree. All these commercials saying “We are in this together.” I don’t get this feeling.

    Posts: 300

    When you put a mask on you’re effectively telling everyone around you that you have considered their well being. You are doing the easiest thing possible to pitch in and prevent unintentionally infecting others if you’re asymptomatic and not aware you’re infected. It is the decent thing to do.

    To be infected, you need a certain amount of the virus. Retail workers inside a building for hours on end with virus-breathers are at a far higher risk of infection just due to prolonged exposure. You wearing a mask protects them.

    Or, maybe to you, they’re expendable.

    Don’t you get it!? Your shirt, pants, shoes, hair, skin will carry the virus. Masks do NOTHING.
    Are you a sheep or a wolf?

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    For the 8th time today, masks are to protect the people around you. If I wear a mask and have the virus I breathe less of the virus on YOUR shirt, shoes, hair, skin etc. if you wear a mask it protects me, if I wear a mask it helps protect you. If not wearing a mask makes you feel like a wolf, good for you. I feel like you are a sheep following a deranged shepherd.

    Posts: 300

    For the 8th time today, masks are to protect the people around you. If I wear a mask and have the virus I breathe less of the virus on YOUR shirt, shoes, hair, skin etc. if you wear a mask it protects me, if I wear a mask it helps protect you. If not wearing a mask makes you feel like a wolf, good for you. I feel like you are a sheep following a deranged shepherd.

    Absolutely. You will spew less virus. And I have to laugh at that and you!

    Think about that for a moment. I hope you get it. If not, follow the shepherd.

    Posts: 5307

    Went and picked up a nice okuma celios 6′ ul spinning rod for pannies today at fleet. Been eyeing that brand for awhile and couldn’t believe they had one left for me. Got some other stuff for panfish which I really don’t fish for all that much but kinda got the itch this year. On my way in passed by an old gentleman and his wife, wife was holding his arm, huddled together waiting for some cars to pass, he had a Vietnam vet ballcap on. They both had their masks on, as most all people walking past them did not.

    All you real smart guys in the room, I’m not talking to all you dumba$$ sheep in here, I’m talking the real smart ones, wear a mask for a half hour. Take it off, and feel inside it, it’s a little wet isn’t it? Do you know what that is Mr.Brainiac, that’s your fuc#in breathe, yeah, if you didn’t know with every exhale there are water droplets that go with the air you breathe out. Kinda why we dehydrate faster than starving to death, our bodies are mainly water, all that jazz, but smart people know this. Your breathe in that mask you just felt is trapped, partially, not all by a long shot but some.

    If you know this, and this is how the virus travels, and wearing a mask might knock down the percentage of transmission even let’s just say 5%, that especially on a weekend holiday like this you still refuse to wear a mask to minimize the chance a man like that vet and his wife walking around in fleet farm from getting than your arrogance simply reached narcisstic behavior and the day you come to realize the folly in your action will be a rough day for you.

    Posts: 425

    Don’t you get it!? Your shirt, pants, shoes, hair, skin will carry the virus. Masks do NOTHING.
    Are you a sheep or a wolf?

    Shirts, pants, shoes, hair, skin AND masks can be and should be washed daily. Your lungs? Not so much. Unless of course your ingesting or injecting sanitizer.

    I am not a sheep or wolf but a human that cares about others.

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Fish To Escape wrote:</div>
    For the 8th time today, masks are to protect the people around you. If I wear a mask and have the virus I breathe less of the virus on YOUR shirt, shoes, hair, skin etc. if you wear a mask it protects me, if I wear a mask it helps protect you. If not wearing a mask makes you feel like a wolf, good for you. I feel like you are a sheep following a deranged shepherd.

    Absolutely. You will spew less virus. And I have to laugh at that and you!

    Think about that for a moment. I hope you get it. If not, follow the shepherd.

    Ummmmmmmm, what?

    Posts: 6631

    We ate at a sit down restaurant in Wisconsin yesterday. It was amazing.

    A couple of the staff had masks on, but I don’t think eating with one on would’ve been very easy.

    Posts: 760

    Ralph Wiggum, I’m with you.When I go to the grocery store I tell all the clerks, I’m wearing my mask to protect you, thanks for wearing one to protect me. My God people, it can only help.

    Posts: 435

    Iowans not willing to wear masks. This virus is going to be around a while.

    Richland County, WI
    Posts: 711

    Whether it be a mask, gloves, or a diaper, they need to be cleaned or changed often to be effective. There are likely Red Cross videos on youtube on how to correctly remove gloves and/or masks.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>eyeguy507 wrote:</div>
    I just can’t see how wearing a cloth covering that absorbs will protect you from an airborn virus…..maybe for a person coughing that may have covid to reduce transmission but if you are, then stay the F out of the stores.

    It doesn’t protect you. It protects others. Get that through your hollow brain. You can spread respiratory droplets simply from talking too. Lots of people may have it and not know it. Like you. Or me.

    Thanks for all the groundbreaking info tough guy! What if I go into a gas station without talking, coughing, sneezing or farting? Are we putting lives at risk by simply breathing?
    Let me guess…..you are cleaning and disinfecting your mask daily? If you are, which I doubt, you are in the 5% if it is even that high.

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>gimruis wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>eyeguy507 wrote:</div>
    I just can’t see how wearing a cloth covering that absorbs will protect you from an airborn virus…..maybe for a person coughing that may have covid to reduce transmission but if you are, then stay the F out of the stores.

    It doesn’t protect you. It protects others. Get that through your hollow brain. You can spread respiratory droplets simply from talking too. Lots of people may have it and not know it. Like you. Or me.

    Thanks for all the groundbreaking info tough guy! What if I go into a gas station without talking, coughing, sneezing or farting? Are we putting lives at risk by simply breathing?
    Let me guess…..you are cleaning and disinfecting your mask daily? If you are, which I doubt, you are in the 5% if it is even that high.

    Are we putting lives at risk by breathing?

    Yes. A positive person is spreading virus particles more without a mask than with. Simple. You don’t have to sterilize a cloth mask, just wash it. This whole discussion has become pointless. You have made up your mind to not do a simple thing that could make getting everything back to normal quicker and easier.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    Let me guess…..you are cleaning and disinfecting your mask daily? If you are, which I doubt, you are in the 5% if it is even that high.

    I have several of them and I don’t touch the inside of them after using them. Obviously some people do, but I don’t because that’s where the germs are. I wash them about once a week with my regular laundry. And yes I wear it inside a gas station too. Most of them have ear straps so that’s what people should be touching them when they remove them.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    I Wouldn’t be worried about touching the inside of the mask I wore because those germs most likely came from me. wave

    Posts: 5307

    me guess…..you are cleaning and disinfecting your mask daily

    This is a seperate argument, one in which you already in this statement assumes the fact that masks work but the methods of wearing them are flawed.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    I Wouldn’t be worried about touching the inside of the mask I wore because those germs most likely came from me. wave

    Yes but then the germs are on your hands and your hands touch how many other surfaces before you can wash or sanitize them.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Has anyone helped the op out and found where the mask is?

    Posts: 425

    Has anyone helped the op out and found where the mask is?

    I know but prefer to keep it a secret.

    south metro
    Posts: 636

    So are all of you supposed to stay home and wear masks until all the virus and germs are gone in the world or just untill the election is over? If you want to wear a mask thats fine if you want to be vegan thats fine if you want to be gay thats fine also hell its even ok if you want to drive a kia. BUT DONT PUSH YOUR AGENDA ON ME! Your immune system is there for a reason and if it dosen’t get to practice on stuff y’all will be in a bubble forever. I am a free American! And i will not wear a mask for the flu!! Ebola sure i will mask up but not a flu with a really high survival rate.

    Posts: 3421

    I started this post to give everyone some science-backed information on how a mask reduces the droplets/spray/spew/etc. coming out of our mouths. It’s really interesting how almost every post regarding the virus turns into the same debate with the same people. I’m sure there are going to be people doing their doctoral theses on the human behaviors/philosophies displayed as a result of the pandemic. They were always there but become more visible when controversial issues arise. And yes, I had to look up how to spell the plural of thesis so I would not embarrass myself again grin .

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    Lets see for those who say it,s infringing on their rights ? No shirt no shoes no service ? You have a problem with that ? Wear a mask and stop acting foolish !

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    So you need to wear a mask when restuarants open??? You need to take it off to eat. You just defeated the whole purpose.

    Wanna wear a mask have at it, if ya don’t don’t. I for one won’t if I’m not required to. In Menards case when they charge you for it, not happening. They make it mandatory, they need to supply it free of charge.

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    So you need to wear a mask when restuarants open??? You need to take it off to eat. You just defeated the whole purpose.

    Wanna wear a mask have at it, if ya don’t don’t. I for one won’t if I’m not required to. In Menards case when they charge you for it, not happening. They make it mandatory, they need to supply it free of charge.

    Yes that is why masks in restaurants are recommended when not eating but not required for customers. That is also why restaurants have been later to open up in most places. You’re grasping at straws. As for Menards providing free masks, that is some interesting logic

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    If a place of business requires a mask I just won’t go. If I go to a business that doesn’t require a mask and I’m not wearing a mask, it’s none of your business. Businesses can require whatever they want, that’s none of my business.

    Posts: 6631

    Lets see for those who say it,s infringing on their rights ? No shirt no shoes no service ? You have a problem with that ? !

    That’s to keep hobos, nudists, and hippies out jester

    I’d love to see a picture of you eating at your favorite restaurant when it opens up with a mask on

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