
    Posts: 4487

    So with no family gathering for turkey day this year thought i would try a help a few people out. Thought i would make 6 or 7 turkey dinners for some people we know that are struggling more than ourselves this year. My ? is where can i buy 6 or 7 turkeys every ad says limit 1. Dont really have the time to go to a half a dozen stores. If anybody sees a store with a decent price and no limit please let me know. Hoping around 12lb range that way i have room to cook all at once.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    Consider the grocery store ready dinner options. Last year my wife and I were traveling and bought the turkey, taters, stuffing and pie dinner from the local grocery store for around $60. They also had the same deal in a ham option. Order ahead.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22361

    Thats a pretty awesome thing to do. I want to donate gifts for needy kids but have found alot of places are not accepting donations due to cov 19.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17534

    Just go to your local market and talk to the meat manager. They will get you fixed up.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9119

    I have no suggestions towards the turkeys, but would like to say Thank you. This is a great idea. For every fortunate person out there this holiday season there are probably twice as many who are really struggling.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    Call Aldi, they have them on sale now for .89/lb

    SE MN
    Posts: 5249

    The world needs more people like you! If you went to any store and talked to the manager, I am sure they would hook you up. I wouldn’t be surprised if they gave you a deep discount too.

    Posts: 4487

    Im really not that good of person. I just like to cook and think im pretty good at it. If i cant make it for family to enjoy i still wanna do it. Just in a way bigger quantity. And if it helps someone out that just makes it all the better.

    Posts: 300

    most large chain stores will donate birds for your cause. You don’t have to have a non profit set up for them to donate. Just tell the manager of the store what you are doing and ask for a specific donation.( turkey, potatoes etc) I work for a company that routinely helps out Hope Lodge (Cancer patients) We do a Thanksgiving or Christmas meal for 40 people being treated at Mayo or U of MN that stay at those Hope Lodges. We don’t pay anything for the food. Its all donated from asking local business for donations. If they cant do food they will donate $$.

    Thanks for your generosity!


    Posts: 1507

    Jeremy, As a prior homeless person many years ago. Thank You! Your helping families that just need a boost or may have fell on some hard situations. Someone brought me a plate of food back then chatted with me a while treated me like anyone else. I can’t tell you how much that meant to me. You Sir are A1!

    Posts: 195

    Awesome way to give back. I was at Costco last night and didn’t check price/pound, but they’re limiting turkeys to 5/person. Better than the 1/person limit if you can’t find a grocery store to hook you up.

    Posts: 4487

    Sent the other half to Aldis last night and again today. That will give me 4. Figure i will spatchcock them then split them in half when done since they aint going to big families that way 4 is as good as 8. Get two more and be up to twelve. That should keep me busy.

    Posts: 4487

    One other thought. How would you go about finding people who could use the help without offending anyone?

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6807

    Maybe contact your county and local food shelves they might know. Also local churches. Great thing your doing by the way.

    Posts: 4487

    I want to donate gifts for needy kids but have found alot of places are not accepting donations due to cov 19.

    I just seen my place of employment is still having Toys for Tots drop off.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11124

    My fire dept does a turkey bingo every year (not this year obviously) as a fundraiser where every bingo receives a turkey. We got the majority of them donated by Aldi’s. Give them a try and even if they don’t cut you a deal or donate they are cheap birds to begin with.

    Posts: 4487

    Thanks but not looking for a deal. Now im more looking for families in need. Still have enough for 4 more.

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1291

    Thanks but not looking for a deal. Now im more looking for families in need. Still have enough for 4 more.

    Jeremy, what you are doing is so awesome! I pray that you’ll love it so much that you’ll make this a yearly tradition.

    To find families, you may want to stop by a local food shelf and ask about families in need. Another spot to check is your church.

    Happy Holidays and God Bless!

    Oops, sorry, I see John beat me to that suggestion.

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