When's the bite?

  • Matt Lucas
    Posts: 1

    Hey guys,

    New to ice this year, and Minnesota as well, I have gotten together a decent startup ice kit, and was wondering what the best times of day to hit it for most action. I would assume early morn, and around sunset, but as I said I’m new to the game.


    Kevin Yopp
    Posts: 192

    I always have the best action at sunset … much easier to get set up for a sunset than for a sunrise. Magic time seems to be when the earth’s shadow creeps across the lake.

    Well, that’s for walleyes. Probably crappies, too. Not so much for sunnies.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6007

    I like sunset because I can try out lures, use a camera and check things out before prime time. that said some lakes are just better in the morning-you have to check it out for yourself or ask about the lake at the baitstore.
    good Luck

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2028

    Hey guys,

    New to ice this year, and Minnesota as well, I have gotten together a decent startup ice kit, and was wondering what the best times of day to hit it for most action. I would assume early morn, and around sunset, but as I said I’m new to the game.


    you nailed it. Early mooring and and hour before Sunset, and about an hour after.
    Not that other times of the day won’t work but I’ve found the above mentioned are the most active

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    Wow some people would take awhile to get acclimated to Minnesota before spending all that time outdoors. Welcome to both and I hope you enjoy!

    Being that you’re new to MN, if you ever have any questions about the fishing, other outdoor activities, Vikings, Twins, Wild, hell even shopping malls, the members of this site can usually steer you in the right direction.

    Drum Guy
    Posts: 38

    The bluegill and perch bite all day long my man! Otherwise these guys nailed it, sunset and sunrise.

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