When to add a pup

  • Mookie Blaylock
    Wright County, MN
    Posts: 469

    When do you guys look to add a new pup to the lineup?
    I only upland hunt with the dogs so I don’t think there would be an issue with adding a 3rd at some point.

    I think I would want to have a couple of good overlapping seasons with my dogs I have now.
    I have some time but kind of want a date in my head so it doesn’t catch me by surprise.
    Dogs are 5 and have a lot of drive and energy still. Both dogs are labs and we would get another.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    2-3 overlapping seasons has worked for me. You just never know how long your senior dog can hunt and the end (hunting, not death) can come on quick.

    Mookie Blaylock
    Wright County, MN
    Posts: 469

    What age is typically a dogs last season where they can put in a full day?

    These are my first hunting dogs, so I’m not exactly sure what to expect.

    I had heard long ago that a puppy should start hunting on your older dogs 7th year. Which I thought had as much to do with not having more than 2 dogs as it did anything else.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    I’d look sooner than later, as dogs age they become less receptive to a puppy. Our boxer was 5 when we got our lab, and that seemed like a good age for the puppy to learn (house manners in our case, but same would apply to hunting imo) and not too old that the old dogs can’t keep up and/or dislike the new puppy.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    What age is typically a dogs last season where they can put in a full day?

    Varies. My last Golden was done by year 10. My current pointer is 10 and she seems to have a year or more left in her.

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