It is all about what YOU want the sonar to show you Tim. It is versatile!
You can cram as much AREA or as little AREA into your screen as you wish all by changing your boat speed or settings.
Faster you go more area on screen, less detail.
(Example, boat 10mph, chart speed 4) You can see football field on your screen.
Slower you go less area on screen, more detail.
(Example: 2 mph, chart speed 4) You can see 40′ on the screen vs a football field …I’m making numbers up here…
Ask yourself what you want to see. Then adjust to see it.
You obviously won’t see a fish on a screen if it is showing a football field of area. A fish might represent a single pixle.
But, you want to see a 30′ tree…Sure you could with a football field on your screen…But the tree will be about .25″ long on your screen
May 12, 2020 at 1:02 pm#1941802
Seems like you would want detail when looking at structure
Structure requires less detail…It is BIGGER. Unless of course you want to see if that is a sunken elm or a birch…
You want to see an entire bridge on your screen…you can do that.
You want to see an individual fish on your screen…You can do that too.
To spot fish you might want that signal stretched out, so boat speed 5 chart speed 6
I don’t think this setting really stretches anything out.
Think 1mph chart speed 4.
I am almost always 1 chart speed above my boat speed. As i increase that ratio i begin stretching.
Here’s one for ya – Anchored 0mph, chart speed 10. Something i often do while anchored. I get a clear view of fish passing by.
Another one for ya. Have you noticed your SI screen change when you use 200/83 for your 2d vs 200? Well on every humminbird i’ve owned there’s a big difference. I choose to keep on 200 for my 2d because of the impact it has on SI. – Check it out.
Ever notice how everything gets a little bit grainier and less clear the faster you go with your boat and sonar settings…Your just cramming more area into your screen…Less Detail.
Typically I am running a chart speed of 4 or 5.
What i want to see, i’ll change by changing my BOAT speed.
Hey, all your graph is, is a picture frame. You can put a picture of NYC in that frame – and you’ll get the associated detail putting something of that scale into a small frame…Or you can put a picture of an Ant in that same frame and see his Bunghole…
It is what YOU want to see Tim.