When do you know its time

  • Jensen
    Posts: 461

    He was having problems breathing so I rushed him to vet. Found pneumonia and cancer.Vet says at 13 yrs old he probably will not come out of it and to put him down if medicine doesn’t help in a few days. I have spent every waking second with him since. He will not eat or drink. Hopefully medicine works but am I being selfish for waiting to see if he gets better? He doesn’t seem in pain but just wants to lay by me all day.

    Karry Kyllo
    Posts: 1406

    Tough call. I just went through almost the same thing with one of my Golden Retrievers, Boof. I didn’t want to let Boof go either but he never got better like I hoped he would and the disease finally got him. I wish I would have put him down when he started failing.

    Posts: 3950

    I went through this during Feb. of this year with my GSP Gracie,she was almost sixteen years old !
    I am going to be blantantly honest with you,if you are questioning it,it is time.
    I was selfish by keeping Gracie as long as I did,I should of put her down a month or two before I did.
    I had it in my head since she was eating something,and still getting around even though she was falling a lot due to a light stroke,she was worth keeping alive,now I regret it as she was simply living for me.

    I dont mean to come across as harsh or uncaring as I am the worlds biggest softy when it comes to dogs.
    if you want to read how I felt about her,you can read my tribute to her here on IDO,it is in the hunting forum under hunting dogs titled,Gracie,Iowaboys GSP 9-03-2-19

    my heart goes out to you,it is a damn tough decision to make,and a damn shame they cant live as long as we do.

    Posts: 461

    Sorry to hear about boof. My Vet gave him medication enough until Tuesday so I pray a miracle happens. This has been tougher than I thought.

    Posts: 461

    Thanks sheldon. That was a great tribute my sympathy goes out to you and the family even though it is late.

    Posts: 2872

    I feel for you Jensen.I just went through this back in Dec.We made the decision to do it the next day.If you know deep down in your heart that the quality of life won’t be quality and your thinking it may be time,it is.I know it’s one of the toughest things we have to do but we have to whats best for our true best friend.I hope you witness a miracle.Take care sir.

    SW Michigan
    Posts: 694

    Jensen, sorry to hear about your pup. Went through this years ago and it was the toughest call I have ever had to make. Thinking of you and your pup.

    Posts: 2729

    Sorry to hear.

    When you start asking the question, unfortunately it’s about time.

    Anyone who has been through it knows how much it just plain sucks.

    Good luck and hoping it goes as good as something as cruel as that can go.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4402

    Sorry to here about your best friend. Have gone through this multiple times. The 1st ime I dragged my feet doing the final trip to the vet. She suffered for a week till my kids could get home to say goodbye. I vowed never to let our next dogs to go through pain and suffering. It is probably time if he is just laying around. Do what’s best for your best friend. I feel your pain. Look up the poem Rainbow Bridge. God bless.

    Posts: 461

    Thank you all for the kind words. He is alert and wagging his tail just won’t eat. Still vomiting assuming from the medication. Here is a pic of my pup. Hope it works.

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    Posts: 461

    Brought him back in for more tests and blood work. Will know something later today. Once again thanks to all for the support during this tough time. It is greatly appreciated.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4030

    I hope everything comes back as good and you don’t have to make that hard discussion right now but as other have said… Best of luck

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    You will know when you look into his eyes.

    When you see it, don’t try to talk yourself out of it. It’s your best friend that’s suffering more than you.

    I wish you more then good luck…I wish you wisdom for your friend.

    Posts: 461

    Got him back home now 3 shots and iv given. Most water he has drank in 2 days. Vomiting subsided for now. Vet put him on steroid to reduce inflammation on tumors. Best i have seen him in 2 days hope it continues as if this doesn’t work they are out of options. Thanks again to all for the support. I will keep updates as I can. Pup says thanks for all the thoughts and prayers to help him through this.

    1. Screenshot_20190513-171148_Gallery.jpg

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11136

    When it comes down to having “good” days and “bad” days, it’s getting close.

    Mr. Klawitter words are correct, you’ll know when you look into his eyes.

    FWIW – There are Vets out there that will come to your home when it’s time. That’s what we do, it sure helps me.

    Rogers, MN
    Posts: 1180

    No fun. These danged dogs break your hearts every time!!

    For me, my approach was that as long as my dog had no pain or discomfort and enjoyed my (and my family’s) loving, I kept him home with us. The moment there was pain or discomfort evident, it was hugs, kisses and tears at home, then off to the vet for relief. I have loved my canine buddies too much to put them through a minute of unneeded pain just for me. They have give me too much through the years for that.

    Not a fun time at all. But cherish the good moments while they’re still here.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    He will tell you. That look in his eye that you’ve seen and if like me, taken for granted for so long, says I’m so happy we’re together, fades away. I saw it today in my best friend. He gave me the look one last time as he took his final breath though and I cherish it as much as it crushes me.

    Enjoy you’re time together while you have it. He is.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11136

    My wife called me this morning bawling. The Great Dane was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in her throat last week. It burst today.
    I was an hour and a half from home. Drove like a madman.
    She already had the vet coming over, I got there a few minutes before they did.

    I told the FW I would take for her last walk. It was tough to get those words out.

    Man those dogs love to go on walks.

    Got to say good bye to TEKA as she took her last breath.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 789

    Jeez EPG, that’s a tough day. A long drive knowing what awaits you. It brought a smile to my face when I read you got to take her for last walk. Blissful moments for her and bittersweet for you. I’m truly sorry for your loss too.

    Posts: 2872

    I’m sorry to hear about your pup EPG that is tough way to start the day.My condolences to you and Boats.

    Posts: 461

    Pup took his last breath a few minutes ago. RIP my friend. I will miss you more than you know. Thank you all for the support.

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2851

    Please accept this as just my experience. I waited too long with my dog Libby and I believe the last 45 minutes of her life were her worst as she was confused and fought for her life in the hands of strangers. I will never forgive myself. Ill admit I’m crying as I type. Just food for thought. God Bless you. Tough decision time. Praying for you.

    Posts: 2872

    Sorry to here that Jensen.RIP big fella.

    St.Paul, Mn
    Posts: 291

    Sorry to hear of your loss.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4402

    My condolences EPG, BHM, and Jensen. Tough week for you guys. God bless you all. RIP pups. I have been there and it is the hardest thing to do for your best friend. Many bawling

    Posts: 0

    I hate these threads… Put our 13 y/o springer down a month or so ago, it just plain sucks. Make sure when the time comes you are with your dog till the end, just like you would want someone to be with you.

    My sincere condolences to all who has went through this.

    Another month or so and we will be looking for a springer again, still miss every one of our past dogs.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13093

    Well I’ll join in. We just had to put my 3 days shy of her 12 the birthday down today. I cried like a little school girl. She was an amazing companion and awesome chocolate lab. RIP CoCo. I’ll miss you sleeping in the closet.

    And like the rest of you posted you could see she was sick. Vet said she had a big tumor, more then likely cancerous, here heart rate was elevated, had a hard time breathing, wouldn’t eat, couldn’t climb our stairs. This hurts bad.

    Chaska, MN
    Posts: 313

    Sorry to hear. It is never easy. It was 5 years ago last week that I had to put down my 9.5 year old lab because of a cancerous tumor like you describe. The house felt empty without a dog. Needless to say, we got another lab about 7 months later and that helped.

    Hang in there and remember all the memories you had together.

    Western Wi.
    Posts: 1149

    I’m sorry to hear about your situation, no way to sugar coat it, their body is shutting down, a couple of weeks ago I had to make the same call. I’ll always miss him, you’re the only one who can make that decision, but in doing that, think of the dog, I feel your pain

    Posts: 461

    My thoughts and prayers are with you Glenn and outdraft.

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