Wheelhouse size for getting the most use each season

  • queenswake
    Posts: 1166

    My use would mostly be for overnight and even just day use around the metro and not multi-day big trips at LOTW, etc. Given that, is there enough of a weight difference between a 6.5×14 and a 8×16 to make going smaller worth it in order to get out any earlier in the season? If pulling out by truck, obviously not as if the ice can support the truck, it can support either ice house. But for pulling out by ATV.

    Any other considerations? I’m assuming with the 14 ft, I could clear some steeper lake accesses easier without dragging the ground.

    If there is no difference, then I might just go with the 8×16 to avoid wanting to upgrade soon anyway.

    Jake D
    Watertown, SD
    Posts: 603

    How many people will you have or will it mostly be just you? I had a 6.5×12 Yetti and it was perfect for 1 or 2 people.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8973

    I would focus on what I can use it for besides ice fishing when it comes to size and cost. Is it something you can and will actually camp in or take on summer vacations or use as a hunting base? Ice fishing alone is limited by ice thickness, snowfall, slush, accesses opening or closing, and travel.

    There are years where even with a small wheelhouse you might only have it on the ice for a couple months at best. Then you have to factor in what your schedule looks like during those couple months. For every person who has a wheelhouse and uses it non stop, I’m sure there is at least another who uses it 5 times a year.

    For me it’d sit unused too long to justify it at all. When/If I ever retire or life slows down I may reevaluate. I would want something that can be pulled by an ATV/side by side to expand my early ice options. Both the sizes you listed seem to be right in that range.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    Just being in any of the 6.5 castles they seem way to small. I would not buy one smaller than the 8×16 or more common now 8×17. If I buy another it will be at least a 21ft but that’s me.

    Posts: 1166

    I forgot to mention that I already have a camper, so a wheelhouse would only be used for ice fishing. If I got a rear ramp door, I could also use it as an enclosed trailer year-round.

    I agree that once you are in an 8 foot wide house, it’s hard to go down to anything else, especially with more than a couple people inside.

    I am likely to get a homemade one, King Crow, or Performance Engineering to go with something cheaper. My use case doesn’t justify spending big bucks on a Yetti, Glacier, Ice Castles.

    Posts: 4800

    How many people? I have a glacier 8×16 and it’s great for 2 people and my son comes along sometimes also for a third person. 6.5’ models just seem way too small for me to be comfortable in.

    If you’re looking for something just for day trips personally I wouldn’t buy a wheelhouse. A portable would be a lot easier, cheaper and more mobile. Setting up a wheelhouse isn’t a quick 5 minute job.

    Also a thing to consider with a wheelhouse is that you are limited only the lakes that have plowed roads unless there is no snow. If you won’t ever have more than 2 people you might get away with a 6.5×14 but the 8’ wide models are way more comfortable in my opinion.

    As far as dragging the shack on the steep access areas I’ve never had a problem

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22042

    I had and still get to use a 6.5 x 14 fire brand. Thank thing does it all. It’s light weight pulls early ice and late ice great behind a old small Honda rancher. We fish 3 guys in it no problem. Sleeps 3 guys, but 1 has to cot it. Or it’s more then enough room for 2. I have no desire to own a 20 ft house that needs a big truck to pull and can only be used for 1.5 months. That fire brand was the business. But yet again I used it for actually fishing not what most use there shacks for. Now it’s mostly party houses away from the house. Which is fine and dandy.

    Posts: 332

    After going from a 6×12 to 8×17 ice castle, I would never go back to the 6.5′ wide. If you plan to sleep in it at all a 6.5 wide is just very tight. Would make a great wide open day house to fish in, but if you want to be comfortable with more than just one person it is very tight. Can pull an 8×17 no problem with an ATV and dolly….They extra week you may get with a 6.5′ wide isn’t worth it….just drive further north of that’s the case… Currently looking to move up to a 8×21 as the family is growing and toddlers need floor space to rome… but have fished 4 grown men in the 8×17 without feeling too cramped.

    Posts: 122

    Sounds like it would primarily be used by you. I like my Little Jigger, 6.5′ x 8′ plus V. I like the layout, with the holes on one side and typically park it so the holes are facing South, offsetting my shadow. My buddy had a 8′ x 17′ RV edition, we took our houses to a metro lake and he struggled pulling it on unpacked snow with his Titan, because it was just too heavy. I have a Tacoma and had no issues. You go with a big one and you may be hesitant driving on unplowed or unpacked roads. There are people in ICOG that like small houses for exactly what you intend to use one for.

    I have more storage space in my little house than houses twice its size. Has six overhead cabinets, and the only model that I know of that has storage on each end of the sofa, which I call my junk drawers. I can keep all my ice fishing rods, tackle boxes, tip-ups, pillow, blanket, Keurig coffee maker, small air fryer, utensils, etc.

    I went to a lake last weekend, thinking the snow was too deep, it wasn’t bad, ran home, hooked up the house, threw my auger and generator in the truck, grabbed some snacks, drinks and minnows, and was fishing in no time. Would’ve taken longer than grabbing a popup and all the other crap to go with it.

    Central Mn
    Posts: 1593

    Do not buy or build a 6.5 ft wide house. You’ll regret it forever.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22042

    Do not buy or build a 6.5 ft wide house. You’ll regret it forever.

    I never regretted 1 time, nor do many guys I know.

    Posts: 1890

    I have a 6.5×12 and use it like your intended use. I drag my house out with my sxs on 8″ every year. This year I had just over a month on the ice before the trucks and bigger houses got out. I have been keeping a eye out for a newer 6.5×14 with a certain layout but my little shack does what I bought it for.

    Posts: 1507

    We have the Little Jigger as well as Ryan stated it is perfect for us we only camp 1 or 2 weekends a year. When we started looking Ryan’s posts were the only ones we found about a small house. We have been very happy with it. Buy the way thanks for the advice Ryan

    1. the-house-scaled.jpg

    Posts: 588

    I started in a 6.5’ wide, moved to a 8.5’x17’, really wanted to go to a 8’x21’ last year, and now thinking I want a 6.5’x14’ again. I’ve watched others go through this progression and thought they were crazy each step of the way. Eventually the more room and more comforts equal staying on plowed roads and worse fishing. With a light 6.5’ wide house you have the ability to be mobile and travel the lake.

    My current house is a toy hauler so I can bring a snowmobile and portable to move around the lake. Ends up being a lot of work. If you could get a lightweight house on ‘the spot’ that’s the ticket in my mind

    Posts: 122

    We have the Little Jigger as well as Ryan stated it is perfect for us we only camp 1 or 2 weekends a year. When we started looking Ryan’s posts were the only ones we found about a small house. We have been very happy with it. Buy the way thanks for the advice Ryan

    I camped in mine too for the first time last year, and loved it. Little Jigger owners unite!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22042

    I see most guys end up progressing to big heavy houses and then limit them selves to sitting on plowed chutes with 700 houses near. That’s never been my style. My 6.5 x 14 had a pull out couch along the back wall and one along the side wall, had cabinets along the top and My front v was a stove, cabinets microwave and stereo. It had 7 holes, and fished 3 guys comfortably. I don’t need 28 ft living room to go fishing. At times it would be nice but it really limits mobility. If I ever buy another or build another it again will be a 6.5 x 14. With a very similar set up. That’s the one I could get the absolute most use out of for the short ice season. Like I said it pulled behind a rancher with no dolly just great. Throw chains on and I could go a good ways. If I added the skis under the shack wheels I could go far enough to get my self in trouble.
    Most guys who say you need way more are the same guys you see parked in communities of 400 other anglers. Which if that’s your thing, so be it. Definitely not my thing

    Posts: 122

    Also, a smaller house you’ll use less propane. I can go most of the season on one tank. Them big houses are overrated, if used primarily for fishing.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22042

    Also, a smaller house you’ll use less propane. I can go most of the season on one tank. Them big houses are overrated, if used primarily for fishing.

    I agree. I understand the room and comfort is great, but is not any where near needed. I’m on the debate to buy a 6.5 x 8 or 10 skid house now, just to get even more use

    Posts: 588

    Bearcat- out of curiosity, how does a skid house see more use then the same size wheelhouse? Not knocking, curious in the thought process

    Posts: 4800

    Also, a smaller house you’ll use less propane. I can go most of the season on one tank. Them big houses are overrated, if used primarily for fishing.

    you could stay at home on the couch and not use any propane also. propane is the least of my worries when fishing lol

    Gregg Gunter
    Posts: 1059

    I’ve always wondered why they don’t make a 8×12 or 8×14? Seems like it would add a lot of cubes without much more weight. And they wouldn’t need two different setups to build the v, just add length. Any thoughts?

    Wright County
    Posts: 3120

    If its not 40’ long just stay at home jester

    Posts: 4800

    I’ve always wondered why they don’t make a 8×12 or 8×14? Seems like it would add a lot of cubes without much more weight. And they wouldn’t need two different setups to build the v, just add length. Any thoughts?

    I know big bite was making 8×12 shacks. I actually saw one going down the highway the other day

    1. AD196797-48F3-43FA-9E3A-3939B6BBAF49-scaled.jpeg

    Gregg Gunter
    Posts: 1059

    I’ll have to look at Big Bite, thanks.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    For those looking ive seen some very low prices on homemades this week. Prices dropping

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22042

    For those looking ive seen some very low prices on homemades this week. Prices dropping

    Not only home made but re sale on bigger shacks. I think guys are finally regretting 40k for a 18ft shack. They also still want 30k but now the market is flooding. Back to the point of reason and it’s earth 20.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22042

    Bearcat- out of curiosity, how does a skid house see more use then the same size wheelhouse? Not knocking, curious in the thought process

    That small skid weight is less then my wheeler. Those aluma skid shacks are registering so small and light they are awesome. But I’m not sure if that’s my style fishing honestly. I want a option to sleep

    Posts: 4800

    Hauling a skid shack around and using it on different lakes would be a pita. Loading it on a trailer would be be a pain I would think. Any decent amount of snow and your going to be limited with a atv unless you have tracks

    Posts: 3319

    Hauling a skid shack around and using it on different lakes would be a pita. Loading it on a trailer would be be a pain I would think. Any decent amount of snow and your going to be limited with a atv unless you have tracks

    You could still travel roads just like the wheeled units.

    Posts: 588

    Doesn’t traveling on roads with a skid house defeat the purpose?

    I’ve gone back and forth on skid versus wheelhouse and I can only imagine a skid house paying off if you live on the lake you predominantly fish. Or you have a tracked SxS, HD truck, and car hauler trailer to tow it all around

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