This isn’t for James and the crew because I’ve watched them fish at 40 below with 40 mph wind. I was just eyeballing the upcoming forecast after being spoiled with so many outings in a row of mild temps and low winds and next weekend it’s forecast to be cold and windy. So at what combination of wind/temp is your cutoff? Does cold/wind dampened bites in your experience or does it only seem that way because it’s tougher on the angler. Being a guy that walks out and never fishes in a shack/flipover I get pushed to my limits when the temps drop much below 20 if winds approach 10 mph or better – so lets just say my cutoff is a windchill of zero unless there’s a bribe or or challenge to a dare involved. What’s your limit?
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What's your limit?
Ryan N
Posts: 28February 9, 2015 at 9:24 am #1508982I pride myself in hole hopping (mostly because I’m too impatient, which costs me fish) and two weeks ago it was -23 with wind chill pushing -35. I was bundled up and really the main problems were my holes and line freezing before I was cold. Having said that, it was a very trying day, so I think that’s my limit!
February 9, 2015 at 9:26 am #1508984Hmm.
Not sure i have a limit.I once spent the night 10miles out on mille lacs in my hub house. 50mph winds, somewhere in the -40 windchill range. Purely nasty stuff.
Got called insane by Paul from Appledorns when we watched me come back from the middle of the lake.
Call me in september-november. Regardless of the weather i’m out fishing.
I know of 3 times i’ve been fishing in open water during 50mph winds.
50mph winds are incredibly infrequent. True 50mph winds…It also tears the HELL out of a boat. Each of those times did some serious damage to my boat.I’ve outrigged my 1-man portable to be a fishing machine in 40mph wind and below zero temps.
My motto: be prepared for Hot, Cold, WInd, Rain, SLeet, Snow, etc…Then go enjoy the outdoors.
I’ve got great memories from being outside in all the extremes. Entertaining none the less.I check the weather frequently, but not to decide when to fish, more to understand how i need to prepare to be able to fish/hunt.
No limit. But i’m still young and dumb
February 9, 2015 at 9:32 am #1508990If the ice is not strong enough to stand on is about the only limitation I can think of for ice fishing. 25mph + East/SE winds will keep me off of lake MI. Been out there in 12-14′ NE rollers – not bad once you get out beyond where the waves break. Otherwise Lightning is the only thing that keeps me off of water. All other weather – deal with it.
February 9, 2015 at 10:06 am #1508994I could only as expect no limitations on IDO but we’ve all bumped up against the fun vs. dumb factor. Thankfully hi-tech clothes are here and save us most of the time though it wasn’t long ago I was having fun until I peeled off a glove while bird hunting and found the tips of my fingers turned black. I also remember many days when I was younger and opted for fashion over warmth tip-up fishing on Lake Koshkonong catching 8 lb. walleyes having a ball which turned into nearly bawling once I got home feeling that tingly pain trying to thaw out. Those flip overs are nice and easy to setup but with the Frabill I had I needed to try to push little metal buttons with frozen thumbs to slid the frame together. Maybe I should have asked is you have a limit if you were fishing without shelter.
February 9, 2015 at 10:49 am #1509014I don’t traditionally hole hop ever…Well i used to, now i’ve learned a better way.
I use my 1-man and will hole hop as fast as the guy without a shelter. Built in smitty sled. Sunflower heater. Weighted skirt. Reason…Wind. Wind blows on the line, makes detecting a bite harder. Standing and kneeling gets old. SIt on a chair, protected from the wind and i’m a much more effective hole hopper.
So, i’m always in shelter.
Whether it be the right clothes on a boat, or a shelter on ice.I do know enough to not risk frost bite.
I bring multiple boots for when i fill one with sweat.
etc…I’ve learned many ways to be able to stay comfortable in miserable weather and still fish productivily. If that makes any sense.
February 9, 2015 at 11:48 am #1509036I bit the bullet on portables when I sold my SUV to save commuting expenses with a new Focus. I can fit a small Otter sled and all my gear but not even the smallest flip-over and keep my sled weight well under 40 lbs. My dad has a one man flip-over and doesn’t use it because it shuts out his buddies. I’m like him, fishing is always so much more fun when shared with the right people. I already get too much isolation in my windowless office.
Posts: 1285February 9, 2015 at 11:58 am #1509037IF I am on a weekend trip – pretty much no limit. Have trout fished in the past in Ontario when the mercury dipped to 51 degrees below zero (but there was no wind – it was actually tolerable). Had to take the belts off the sleds and warm them up in the room to get the sleds moving in the AM!!
If I am home and day-tripping, then 20 below is usually a no-go in my book.
InactiveMahtomedi, MNPosts: 1678February 9, 2015 at 12:51 pm #1509062I’ve fished with FishBlood before and he’s not exaggerating at all. He comes prepared for anything. After hearing some of his stories though, it’s clear that there’s rhyme and reason to what he carries around.
My limit is normally when I can’t find anyone else to join me…
Posts: 29February 9, 2015 at 1:18 pm #1509079I bit the bullet on portables when I sold my SUV to save commuting expenses with a new Focus. I can fit a small Otter sled and all my gear but not even the smallest flip-over and keep my sled weight well under 40 lbs. My dad has a one man flip-over and doesn’t use it because it shuts out his buddies. I’m like him, fishing is always so much more fun when shared with the right people. I already get too much isolation in my windowless office.
Frabill recon fits perfectly in the back of my focus with the seat down.
February 9, 2015 at 1:36 pm #15090862014 without split back seat doesn’t fold down flat or I’d be using my dad’s flip-over instead of a sled. I’ll likely be figuring out a way to haul it on the canoe roof-top crossbars I’ll be buying soon. Then we can get on the iPhone and use FaceTime so there’s always have a real-time fishing buddy when I close the lid. You’ll have to PM for my number.
February 9, 2015 at 2:42 pm #1509114I don’t love fishing enough to torture myself over it. There are too many other things too do and too many other days to fish. I also think you are more apt to to fish in harsher conditions the younger you are. Having said that if i am on a far away ice fishing only trip and I have a shelter than wind would be the only thing keeping me off the lake.
February 9, 2015 at 3:10 pm #1509137My thoughts exactly. Rather than suffer on a bad day I work on my honey do list and earn full weekends for better days, unless a prearranged commitment and/or with the right people. That turns into never for me if alone. Anyway, I aleady got my mini lesson fishing alone and as conditions worsened yesterday and got cold and damp and everyone left I stuck it out but walked back and drove my car out following the beaten path. All was well going out but I got stuck on that same path 3 times trying to get off with no help in sight. Reconfirmed. I’m a walker.
JD Winston
InactiveChanhassen, MNPosts: 899February 10, 2015 at 8:24 am #1509453I bring my clam on all my ice outtings but try to leave it in the truck as much as I can so I can stay outside as much as possible. So if I am fishing in the open, I’d say 0 degrees and 15MPH is a pretty sane limit for a full day out.
If I have the shack up, there probably really is no temp limit but there would be a wind limit of 20-25mph. Also, it part, it depends if there is snow available to bank the portable. No snow makes the wind a much bigger factor as it becomes hard to keep the clam warm enough.
February 10, 2015 at 9:35 am #1509490About a 30 pack on a good day. Is that off topic? Sorry!
Are you related to my brother? It takes 2 beers to check a tip-up. One for the walk there and one for the way back. I know why he bought the power auger, it’s so I haul the beverages in my sled.
February 10, 2015 at 9:56 am #1509503<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Geerdes wrote:</div>
About a 30 pack on a good day. Is that off topic? Sorry!Are you related to my brother? It takes 2 beers to check a tip-up. One for the walk there and one for the way back. I know why he bought the power auger, it’s so I haul the beverages in my sled.
I don’t think so, but planning on retiring to Rice Lake in 5 years. So I am just practicing to become a Wisconsonite!
February 10, 2015 at 10:23 am #1509514I don’t think so, but planning on retiring to Rice Lake in 5 years. So I am just practicing to become a Wisconsonite!
That’s Wisconsinaut.
February 10, 2015 at 10:56 am #1509538Today would be a good example of having fun. Being comfortable. And crappy weather. Rain storm, sleet, snow. Gusts up to 30. I’m sitting on big crappies ( confirmed on the camera) hole hopping and not catching much at all. But I’m not working
Picture from a few minutes ago
February 10, 2015 at 12:57 pm #1509592Hmm, downsize and stick it in their face? At least you’re up to the challenge. Good luck!
Now if you get a video feed on your cell phone and broadcast it for us we can all fish with you like a backseat driver. I’d watch that for hours instead of a short but well-done fishing show. It’s comparable to a football game live vs DVR’d, just not the same.
February 10, 2015 at 6:08 pm #1509730After recently buying a new pair of Frabill SnoSuit bibs and a pair of Baffin Impact boots I feel the limits of what I will tolerate have been stretched a bit.
My problem (as mentioned by others) is line freeze and hole freeze over. And jigging in the wind really sucks. I use a shelter when I have to but if the weather is around freezing I don’t like the restrictive feeling I get from it.Breezy
Posts: 29February 10, 2015 at 11:19 pm #15098932014 without split back seat doesn’t fold down flat or I’d be using my dad’s flip-over instead of a sled. I’ll likely be figuring out a way to haul it on the canoe roof-top crossbars I’ll be buying soon. Then we can get on the iPhone and use FaceTime so there’s always have a real-time fishing buddy when I close the lid. You’ll have to PM for my number.
No face time for this guy. Just got the iPhone 6 and have been having nightmares of it spinning out of control down the hole. Even released a 15″ crappie with out a pic because of the fear of dropping it down the hole. Also just learned the hard way Eskimos quick flip 1 isn’t 32″ wide. More like 33″. Oh well got to drive 150 miles round trip for nothing. Dreams are crushed right now. As for as a limit. I can’t control the weather. I Fish whenever I can. Just a fishin bum I guess
February 11, 2015 at 6:42 am #1509914Phone down the hole, been there, done that. Now I cringe every time I see a new phone app, especially the sonar phone. That’d need a giant soft waterproof floating bag with secure mount before I’d touch that product.
February 11, 2015 at 7:47 am #1509942For me, setting a limit gives the weather power over opportunity. The only limit I set is “how long can I stay before the wife calls AGAIN and asks me to come home.” Or 6 walleyes, 5 stream trout, or 10 crappies if I’m keeping fish that day.
February 11, 2015 at 7:54 am #1509950Sorry Ben, but I can’t count your opinion here either. Isn’t Ely in Ontario and doesn’t it snow there in June? I’m guessing the average winter temps here are close to what you get in May. Good news for you, you’ve got a lot of nice mild days on the ice ahead of you.
February 11, 2015 at 8:08 am #1509962With todays clothing and awesome thermal shelters you can be out all the time. There is no temp that will keep me from fishing. Just got thermal pro cabin otter little propane is needed now.
February 12, 2015 at 10:07 am #1510542For me, setting a limit gives the weather power over opportunity. The only limit I set is “how long can I stay before the wife calls AGAIN and asks me to come home.” quote]
Sounds like me! Except for the whole woman/kids controlling my life thing.
But i was there once and each year i put it all aside a few times for time with the daughter.Taking tuesday off wasn’t good enough for me i guess. Took the afternoon off today. See if i can find something besides sheephead to bite
Bringing a buddy with (Well he’s invited) and i know he doesn’t have the ice clothing and only a suitcase house. Told him we’re hole hopping until we find some fish. I almost don’t like inviting people on cold days because i know it’ll slow us down and they might not enjoy it…I have spare bibs that i give to friends (If they fit in them) and have been considering buying a 2nd 1-man just so others can enjoy some fantastic bites in the less than desirable weather conditions; even a 2nd flasher so whomever is with can actually mark fish and have a chance at catching a bunch.It’s empowering to know you can be outside and enjoy some of natures worst weather and can do so comfortably – during any season
It takes a lot of various gear. $$ to buy gear + the right mindset and there’s no limits. The stories i can tell of time outdoors in what most consider STAY INDOORS weather.Fun topic.
February 12, 2015 at 10:21 am #1510548The only time I’ve been shut down from weather in the winter was on LOW last year when none of the resorts were plowing anymore and the roads were closed. As previously state temp and wind don’t matter much w/ the right equipment. In the summer Wind and storms can shut it down real quick, but temp not so much. Hopefully be out in the boat again soon!
February 12, 2015 at 10:24 am #1510553Well this Saturday is calling for a high of 8 and windy but that wont stop me. Game fishing season is winding down and no time for excuses. Now I just need to figure out where to go.
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