Whats the prep work like in the fur shed

  • mossydan
    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Well with the warm temps its bought me some time to do the things I have to do to get out on the water. I’ve been making mink boxes the last couple days and will be done tomorrow with 24 made. I’ve got to wax my traps but got another couple weeks to do that. I put my 6 horse Evie on the boat for winter water depths sand bars, with a new water pump in it, and is ready to go. I have to get out a few times to check for prints and where the tracks are but I will do that in the next couple weeks. Hows it going for you guys, got the itch yet? I made 12 of my mink boxes for drainage ditches and creeks and put a surveyors flag on them that pops up when the traps goes off, That way I can just check from the road. I just staple the end of the flag wire to the end of the box and put the flag end into the coil of the Coni. When it goes off the spring jumps forward and the end of the flag wire pulls out of the coil, easy set, no flag-no action and it can be seen from the road. I’ve got tags in the mail for my snares coming soon. I’ve still got things to do but those will be done by Thanksgiving when I’m on the line. Got another small chest freezer to hold my hides until I can flesh them out or put them on stretchers. I’ve got two lines that are about 3 miles long each on the river and one about 25 miles long on gravels roads for rats and mink. How are you guys doing so far, ready to go?

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    My trapping season looks like it won’t get out of the toilet. Time has been lacking with all my obligations and it hurts. The last couple years has been tough as trapping has been one of my most prized passions.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    That’s too bad Randy, luckily I’ve got some money saved until I sell some of my furs, made 12 mink boxes the other day and I’m going to make another 12 for culverts on county roads, those little creeks that go under the roads that people pass up everyday. I’ve got 50 traps, so two at each location makes for a full day with enough time to put the fur up, I hope! I bought a little 40 mile a gallon car, a little 4 banger Kia that runs really well, I worked on it so it can, so now I won’t have to be concerned with gas mileage at 40 a gallon. I’ve still got to make stretchers, wire or boards but I’ll have time to do that, its still fairly warm here and it will take another couple weeks for furs to get prime here. I’m going to make a fur pulling machine and going to use a friends shop to make that in. The time I’ll need will be just about right with the furs priming up.

    This area is gently rolling hills with a creek in just about every low lying spot. A lot of farmers have their fields tiled and with the moisture were getting and have had they should be running enough to keep animals around them. Plus the buildings and ponds that I’ll be able to trap when asking permission the trap their side of the fence around those little creeks and flows, things look good anyway. Good luck…

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