what's on your bait?

  • rubberduck
    east bethel
    Posts: 436

    Anybody got any bruins hitting there bait yet? lets see some pics!
    Im going up sat to check cams and freshen up the pile.

    chawn clough
    Posts: 23

    We have had only 2 hits on our 4 stations over the last week and half, alot of acorns on the ground

    east bethel
    Posts: 436

    Yea i hear ya. As of last sat we were 0 for 6 baits. Its not looking good for early season:???:

    chawn clough
    Posts: 23

    where you guys hunting, i am thinking it might be good to wait a couple weeks until the acorns are sucked up

    east bethel
    Posts: 436

    Near hinkley. one guy also has a bait near Princeton and that went cold also. Frustrating, but that’s the way it goes

    Rogers / Grand Rapids
    Posts: 561

    Don’t know what did it, something hit my bait Saturday, Sunday & Monday night. Took the logs (not huge) out of the barrel to at least nibble on my bait. Crew (dad & cousin) refilled and stuffed logs back in there each time. Cousin left on Tuesday so I won’t know until Friday AM if whatever it is stuck around. Will also grab the camera chip at that time. Grand Rapids area

    east bethel
    Posts: 436

    good for you! hopefully all pans out for ya!

    I am eager to get back up this weekend to see if anything has changed. my gut tells me later is going to be better but a guy can only do so much on public land as I hunt on public land;( and once the bird and bow hunters canvas the woods all bear hunting goes to the sh!tter.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    We normally will see bear sign at the cabin in Two Harbors by now but when we were there Sunday, Monday and Tuesday we saw nothing. Wolves in daylight we saw, no bear sign. Deer were in the yard as usual. We found lots of berries on canes yet so that might be having an impact on the bear activity. We have no oaks in the immediate area around the cabin so I know its not acorns keeping bear out and about.

    Been weird weather up there this year. Grouse were active all day each of those days so we might have some decent bird hunting this fall with all the understory food available to them.

    east bethel
    Posts: 436

    Good luck everyone and be safe!put t j e hammer down! smash chased toast

    John waskey
    Posts: 8

    I’ve had nothing hit either bait, this morning at 5 am I moved it about 50 yards closer to my stand. Also all we’ve had on camera have been some nice bucks, no bear since before baiting, I’m wondering if this weekend won’t turn out? I know you’re all up hunting any input would be appreciated hoping I get lucky

    John waskey
    Posts: 8

    Also saved up a 5 gal bucket of acorns

    east bethel
    Posts: 436

    Good luck
    Thinhs can change quick.i haven’t checked baits since last day so I wont know if anything has change until this after noon.

    John waskey
    Posts: 8

    No worries that there’s been none on camera?

    Zimmerman mn
    Posts: 467

    Slower than usual for me in north branch but I’m getting hit every night I freshen the bait. But they are not hanging out long either which is unusual. In hunting in north branch/sunrise township.

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    Zimmerman mn
    Posts: 467

    Another one

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    John waskey
    Posts: 8

    Very nice still I haven’t seen a thing a few deer. Suppose to storm here in the morning

    John waskey
    Posts: 8

    You think it’s to late to move bait?

    Thief River Falls, MN
    Posts: 44

    I don’t bear hunt but I get pics of a bear every week on my trail cams. This one likes to climb our stand to mess with the camera…

    1. FEDDA0E9-29B4-4DEA-ADC3-5B5AE26F28E6.png

    2. BA7F9F01-34D6-47AF-AFBA-1E1F9324D383.png

    east bethel
    Posts: 436

    You think it’s to late to move bait?

    Absolutely not you got more than a month left.i would just establish another bit keep the same bait. You can run 3 baits. Depending on where your at the acorns supply may diminish. Try to keep your baits fresh if possible.

    If you plan on hunting th re whole season there is really nothing to worry about this early.bogger bears are generally more active layer inthe season. They really really put thr feed bage onll late Sept into Oct. I know a couple very accomplished bear humter that dont even start hunting till late Sept, amd all they shoot is big bears.

    Sorry bout the spelling in have fat fingers

    John waskey
    Posts: 8

    Lol no worries, we set up a new bait site right on the edge of the swamp at my deer stand. I don’t even have to go near the bait to get into my stand hopefully it works out

    Rogers / Grand Rapids
    Posts: 561

    Continues to be slow in Grand Rapids. Had more sightings on camera on non bait stations on one of deep mineral stations so established a bait site there. Really windy today and feels like November. Hoping to get two more weekends bit as of now it’s looking like only the last weekend.

    east bethel
    Posts: 436

    Good luck man! I pulled all my baits agter the first week. Just not worth it im my area. To many acorns. I hope ya shoot one up there!

    chawn clough
    Posts: 23

    I am 15 miles south east of grand Rapids and same problem, all the bears on camera come and go whenever they want with no real pattern, acorns acorns and more.. Had a guide by me that had 10 guys from North dakota and they went 0-10 openning week. i am still baiting and will try again this thurs-sat and that is it for me. been on stand 7 times with no luck…

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12792

    I am 15 miles south east of grand Rapids and same problem, all the bears on camera come and go whenever they want with no real pattern, acorns acorns and more.. Had a guide by me that had 10 guys from North dakota and they went 0-10 openning week. i am still baiting and will try again this thurs-sat and that is it for me. been on stand 7 times with no luck…

    that guide wouldn’t happen to be the Weise’s would it?

    chawn clough
    Posts: 23

    Not sure of the name of the guide, my dad spoke to him and a couple of hunters throughout the week

    east bethel
    Posts: 436

    Phew….. Talk about a TOUGH year to be a guide. I tell ya what tho there will be an abundance of rug steaks walking the woods for next year!! yay

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