What’s it worth

  • Mr. Pike 81
    NW Iowa
    Posts: 216

    2014 Stratos 386 with a 150 Yamaha 4stroke. 60 hours. no electronics and a pre bluetooth 80# Terrova ipilot link. Very clean boat with custom travel cover. Also if anyone has one what are the good and the bad. I know they made a top cap change in 15 and quit making them in 17. Anything more I should know?

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17534

    Is a 386 a 18 1/2′ walk thru? If so I would think mid $30’s? Take a close look at it and if the answers to the question of why only 60 hours seems ok buy it.

    Photo’s might help if you have any.

    Mr. Pike 81
    NW Iowa
    Posts: 216

    Yes, it is the 18.5 walk thru. He had a kicker on it but is keeping that. smaller lakes in the area and the kicker and trolling motor are probably some of the reasons for low hours. I looked at the NADA and he has it priced at about that value. Wasn’t sure about if the fact they quit making Stratos in 2017 is going to affect the resale.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9119

    Today? 30k

    2 months from now? 34-35k

    I looked at 2 different Stratos boats awhile back before buying my current Tuffy. The one I rode in seemed alright. They weren’t the fastest hull nor had the highest end fit and finish, but seemed fishable and reliable (based on what I was told). When they were brand new, they had a bit of a reputation for being pushed off lots underpowered despite heavy hulls and being dogs out of the hole on the water. I’d definitely want to test that 150hp out of the hole with a load pushing that hull before putting down the cash. If it performs to your standards and the Yamaha checks out, I’m sure it’d make an awesome fishing rig.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2122

    I agree about 60 hours being an important question. I would tell you that my 2019 impact 115 Mercury has been out over 130 times in the past 2 years. I log every trip in terms of time on big motor and trolling and over 80% of my time is under trolling motor power. Just suggesting that, while 60 hours seems low there could be logical explanations. Good luck Mr Pike! Can’t wait to us my new bump seat!!

    Posts: 1174

    Search the WC forums. There have been a few threads over the years with a lot of owners input on those boats. From what I remember, they were solid glass boats that fit the fish-ski need perfectly. Or just fish.

    Posts: 1719

    I bought my boat with a 115 Yamaha, 2 years old. It had 8 or 10 hours. Guy fished with his buddy, liked it. Bought a loaded up Alumacraft and took it to Table Rock Lake in August. Over 95 every day, he and his wife fished about an hour a few mornings. He brought it home. Put it in a storage unit. A year later went to Arizona to visit someone. His wife with respiratory issues. Decided they were moving to the desert. Dealer should be able to verify hours. Hard for people up north to believe. But areas of the Midwest you can live over an hour from a lake that you can run an outboard over 10hp. Kids activities now days can make a summer go by with maybe a week vacation, and couple weekends. Or the river flooded or dry most of the summer.

    Posts: 4487

    My boat is 10 years old and i bet it dont have 30 hours of run time on motor. Lakes around us are small so about 2 minutes and your anywhere you wanna be. That and it hasnt been out since 2018. So low hours dont always mean problems.

    SE Wisconsin
    Posts: 472

    Low hours on a big motor is more common than we think. My father has his boat on the lake they are on, and if that big motor gets 3 hours a year I’d be surprised. He just cruises to his spot and drops the trolling motor. Most of us don’t realize how little we actually use the big motor vs trolling motor.

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