What's gonna happen to Leech?

  • Deuces
    Posts: 5268

    One fish over 20″.

    That’s gonna take ALOT of big fish out the system. Cleaning shacks had plenty of 20″+ in the gut pails.

    What’s the lake going to look like in 5-10years?

    I’m curious to what’s gonna happen. Most all seem to agree the past slot limits on most the “bigger” lakes of MN create this large influx of bigger fish. What happens when they let those bigguns get taken out?

    Posts: 141

    Some of the big fish indeed need to be taken out. Look at mille lacs. Almost all big fish and very few under 18 inches. Netting plays a role but that’s a whole different deal. Fillet while you can.

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    I’m 100% for taking fish of all year classes out, with some protection for breeding and bigger fish.

    I’m not a fish biologist nor care to be one. It just makes sense in my head. Hopefully by allowing this, it balances things out. So many times on lakes with heavy restrictions you catch either all huge fish or small fish. I remember on Mille lacs a few years ago (not sure actually) but every fish was 24-26″. It was awesome but you know something had to give. You also then wonder how prey fish survive.

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