Pancakes, oven cooked bacon & some strawberry flavored (Russian) water for supper tonight.

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Pancakes, oven cooked bacon & some strawberry flavored (Russian) water for supper tonight.
Billy picked some jalapeno peppers from the garden tonight and just made some delicious homemade bacon-wrapped jalapeno poppers!
I made bruschetta for dinner using fresh garden tomatoes, onion and basil. Chop some garlic and shallot and mix in, then season with salt, pepper, some honey and about 4 ounces of coarse grated parmesan cheese and some olive oil.
I set the mixture in the fridge for the day and when ready to make the dish I split a loaf of Italian Bread length-wise and on the flat. I butter each cut side and give a light coat of garlic powder and set under a low broiler to toast the cut sides. When lightly toasted I spread the tomato mixture equally on both halves and set under a high broiler just until it starts to bubble and brown the breads edges real dark.
No vampires coming here tonight.
You had shared that recipe before and it is delicious. I was recently thinking it is about time to make that again. Thanks for bringing it up.
Grilled homemade burger patties featuring beef from my sister’s farm and delicious goat cheese I found at HyVee, broccoli from our garden, and french fries. Perfect summer dinner!
Wifey asked for vegetables and mashed with the ribeye. I guess tater tots are not a vegetable so she claims lol.
Fresh cabbage rolls.
1st time my bride, also BFF, & I actually cooked a meal together. (Happy to report we’re both still alive)
Fresh cabbage rolls.
1st time my bride, also BFF, & I actually cooked a meal together. (Happy to report we’re both still alive)
Hell yeah! That what I like to see!
Smoked some thick cut pork chops with an apricot bbq sauce. Served with stuffing, steamed veggies and homemade applesauce.
Chorizo skillet for breakfast and onion jalapeño burgers off cast iron and lump coal for dinner.
Chorizo skillet for breakfast and onion jalapeño burgers off cast iron and lump coal for dinner.
I’m quite fine with the Chorizo but,,,,
I’ll have to pass on the “Lump coal for dinner!” Think that’ll leave a very bad taste in my mouth! barf.
That chorizo breakfast looks awesome. What’s all in it?
Chorizo, diced potatoes, onion, bell pepper, eggs, avocado and cheese.
And Denny we are just proud how far you’re reading has come for an Iowan, reading comprehension is that 6th grade stuff we can work on next. For anyone else struggling with it, I used a cast iron skillet and lump charcoal on a Weber kettle grill to cook the burgers.
But BigWerm you said, “and lump coal for dinner.” just say’in.
The pics do look very good.
You guys get something for Christmas?
You guys get something for Christmas?
only if my wife thinks I’ve been good!
You guys get something for Christmas?
I got the new Meateater cookbook for my birthday, does that count? Pretty excited about it! ….in this weeks edition of how I know I’m getting old
I’ve been lazy for quite a while with no posts here.
For your visual pleasure a dinner in the process.
Dino bones, overnight butter infused with kosher salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, roast beef seasonings and as much of Lea & Perrins smashed into it as I could. This was pasted all over the 4 bone roast and wrapped in plastic last night till just afternoon today. Smoker stoked with black cherry and hickory.
Brussel Sprouts, sauteed onion and bacon. Seasoned with sesame oil, olive oil, bacon grease, salt, pepper, fennel seeds, and a very, very mild pepper.
Then there was a yard bird spatchedcocked too just before the walleyes.
Pineapple brat patties & scratch white cheddar Mac……I may have got it a little too thick. The whisk stood up on its own. Good flavor tho.
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