What’s everyone do for work.

  • Eelpoutguy
    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11138

    Is there any of you lucky retired fellas not enjoying retirement?

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17536

    Is there any of you lucky retired fellas not enjoying retirement?

    I wouldn’t say I’m not enjoying it. I found myself bored to death with no reason to get out of bed after all those years of working. I returned to working 3 days a week which I find to be about right. Still gives me 4 days if I want to go somewhere.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13093

    Is there any of you lucky retired fellas not enjoying retirement?

    nope, I’m totally enjoying it. Matter of fact highly recommend it waytogo

    Like dutchy I work 2 days a week max of 14 hours and I can come and go whenever.

    Was i a bit apprehensive at first ..darn right. Figure out what you like to do as a pass time and run with it. Sometimes I wonder how I got anything done when working. whistling

    EPG… you got that place by Outing, you’d be surprised the projects you will find there. I know I dod at the cabin

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22367

    Dutch that’s the same thing my dad said. After he retired he ended up getting a part time gig telling the city guys how to do their jobs.

    James Almquist
    Posts: 650

    Is there any of you lucky retired fellas not enjoying retirement?

    I retired kinda quickly due to the fact I was at a funeral for a good friend who was a roommate for a number of years in our youth. While there chatting with a bunch of old friends we were missing a friend. Come to find out that he had a massive stroke and died that morning. Another bud who was a old roommate gone. I went into work on Monday and thought is this any way to live. Went and told my manager that I needed to retire now. I was 66 so it was not early. The first few months I could not get myself to do anything. Now I have lots of little projects that I nibble at when I want. Picked up a wheel house and have plans to fish with some with my other retired buds. Seems like I always have something to but not always productive. I love that everyday is Friday !!

    dennis smith
    Posts: 72

    Worked in a body shop for 15years then put in 29 at the Metropolitan airport comm. In field maintenance. Plowed alot of snow and now get to enjoy it being retired for 2 years. Fish between mondays and thurdays. Retire as soon as you can.

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2122

    Is there any of you lucky retired fellas not enjoying retirement?

    I am now, at first it was hard as I lost my wife at that time.. But as EPG will say life goes on!!! peace

    Posts: 3480

    Sorry to hear that you lost your wife, Mike. Every so often when I have a real busy week, I have to look at my phone to see what day it is!! whistling

    Posts: 603

    Retired at 55 and never looked back! I enjoy every day now.

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2122

    Sorry to hear that you lost your wife, Mike. Every so often when I have a real busy week, I have to look at my phone to see what day it is!! whistling

    thanks and I also have to think about the day sometimes too!!

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11138

    The reason I ask is because I may be retiring shortly but am afraid I will have nothing to do besides being a professional Alcoholic.

    I have a PE firm drop a piece of paper in front of me and it has quite a few 0’s on it. They really want my business.
    I’m going to say “yes”.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6807

    Congrats EPG! You earned it buddy. Let me know when and I will head up and fish with you and help you drink your expensive bourbon. whistling

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2122

    good luck EPG!!!

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13093

    The reason I ask is because I may be retiring shortly but am afraid I will have nothing to do besides being a professional Alcoholic.

    I have a PE firm drop a piece of paper in front of me and it has quite a few 0’s on it. They really want my business.
    I’m going to say “yes”.

    peace peace woot go for it bud…..it may take some time to get used to it…but its great!!!!!

    next thing you know you’ll find all kinds of projects to do around home and at the cabin……maybe even bartend or cook at the channel!!!!! devil rotflol

    Posts: 839

    Congrats EPG. I have know too many that retired too late, and never got to enjoy life. I encourage everyone to retire as soon as you possibly can. One of my best friends only made it about 9 months after he retired and passed away and my BIL had a massive stroke just about the time he planned to retire and now can’t use his whole left side and is wheel chair bound.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    EPG my advice is to find something to get up and get going each day in retirement. My old man retired and thought watching the News all day, and Happy Hour in the evening were enough to fill his schedule, and his mental and physical health declined rapidly. He’s still with us, thankfully, but his mind is going quickly and his body is not strong enough to go hunting anymore, and even getting into a fishing boat is a challenge. So either get really into a hobby, get more serious about fishing or hunting, or pick up a part time job mowing the lawn at the school or golf course or something that keeps you on a schedule and up and moving.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5296

    My uncle drives bus part time for the school district. He absolutely loves it and can do it anytime he wants because there is such a shortage.

    He drives a couple days a week and it’s enough to keep him busy but he’s not committed to it. He also drove for the county which is basically shuttling older folks to appointments and such.

    Many ways to keep yourself busy if you need it. If I was in the position I’d spend 6 months here and 6 months in Puerto Rico. Almost all that time would be on a boat.

    Posts: 8

    Automotive transmission sales main gig. Fishing rod building as side gig.
    You cant go wrong with getting into automotive. Always going to be work but sometimes the pay is behind the ball.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9119

    Like others have mentioned I don’t envision myself ever just stopping every ounce of my get up and go mentality with regards to work. My dad beat pancreatic cancer at 60 and promptly retired. Now I see him kind of sputtering looking for what he should do next. He never was a guy with many hobbies as everything was based around his work and us kids’ activities for the better part of 45 years. Money isn’t an issue, but getting up and going each day can be – especially in the Winter.

    God willing, my “dream” retirement gig is to drive sporting event busses for the local public school. It’s ala carte style here meaning you simply pick the events you want to drive. You get to watch and support kids with the sports you choose to drive for, and you can build your own schedule. I wouldn’t mind doing a little substitute teaching in the local high school shop classes either. We also adopted a chunk of road under the family name and keep that up. I have 3 kids and I’m a firm believer that it is all hands on deck when it comes to raising kids and their kids. I’ll gladly be the grandpa who takes the grandkids fishing one day a week religiously and gets them out into the woods looking for morels, hunting, etc.

    James Conklyn
    Posts: 65

    Retired now for 14 years and can say I don’t regret it at all. I can do what I want when I want. Always something to keep me busy and no pressure to get it done right now.

    Posts: 25044

    Sounds like a good time Bucky! Retirement is treating you well for sure.

    Posts: 1211

    I would not consider myself a golfer, but in high school I was grounds crew at the local course. Best job I ever had, other guys were retired and did it to keep busy and get free holes.

    Composites engineer, design hulls, spec laminates for many boats on here, with larger focus on ocean-going sport vessels (Scout, Viking, most CC’s).

    Closing on purchasing an existing business next month, hope to “be my own boss”. Hope to keep a pulse on the Midwest fiberglass brands and maybe consult on the side.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6162

    Month into retirement and all is great! Still in decompression mode. Definitely had the “Frog in the boiling water” job. Check out this video and others on his channel. Super informative on the topic of retiring early as you can.


    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9119

    Sounds like a good time Bucky! Retirement is treating you well for sure.

    That’s the GOAL. That’s not reality yet. I’ve got a ways to go to hit 58 as our targeted retirement age. My kids are still little. Just daydreaming of the good days to come (God Willing).

    Posts: 604

    Plant Manager for a Medical Device Manufacturer – but my most favorite “side” jobs is being on the Lake City School Board and volunteering for numerous events and sportsman’s clubs, etc.

    Posts: 231

    4 yrs I’ll be 60 and that’s it for full-time, sell this place and build at the cabin. All my investments can just sit won’t touch any til 65, SS might take a hit with not much going in but I’ll climb on the Mrs. insurance until then. The piece and quiet compared to here not to mention the stress level of 38 yrs…. Will be welcomed.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985

    My Target has always been 59 1/2 years old. Yesterday I was officially 2 1/2 years to go. Sad part is, I am good enough at my job now, after 23 years, that the stress is low and the pay is high !!! doah jester

    Posts: 13088

    All this retirement talk is helping guys. jester

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22367

    I’m well ahead of schedule for my retirement, I used to be a massive overtime whore so that helped my pension to the point when I retire in 15 years ill have all the hours I need plus 12 years. Even more if I keep doing over time at the rate I do. Unfortunately at 36, 55 is still a ways out. Luckily I enjoy my work and the daily challenges it bring me, as long as my body keeps on the perfect record it’s been on I’ll be golden. I’ll check back in 19 years and see.

    Rip maybe we can throw down on some powerball tickets and just retire early.

    Posts: 179

    Retired and when asked how I like it the answer is always “Living the dream.”

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