What’s everyone do for work.

  • Ripjiggen
    Posts: 12717

    Well I am on the job hunt and I am really not wanting to go back to the same industry.
    Let’s just say I have not been to inspired on anything I have looked at this far. So looking for maybe a little inspiration from the folks at IDO.
    So what do you all do for work.

    Posts: 1808

    I work for the government, heard there’s alot of new openings.

    Posts: 609

    I Have worked in health care the last 15 years and am facing burnout myself. I have worked in a large ER, smaller hospitals covering all facets of care from child birth, ER, C-Sections to everything in between. Then the most interesting 5 years of my career was being a nurse inside the county jail. Wow do I have some interesting stories from their. I moved jobs about 6months ago and work 7-4 now and much more relaxed job.

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 1948

    Riverrat, I worked for the USDA, FSIS as a meat inspector for 26 years, was a darn good job in the beginning, but by the end of my career it was a political mess.. be careful looking into government jobs is all I’m saying.

    Posts: 6

    Past 20 years in the industrial maintenance field but now in the same boat as you looking for something different.It has taken a toll physically.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6710

    I have Managed Auto Repair Shops most of my career. Just took a promotion to be an Area Manager overseeing 4 shops. Time will tell weather I made the right decision.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    wanted to be a porn star but my wife is selfish and kept me to herself

    Portrait and industrial photography in/out of school

    Low-voltage /data – telecom

    Guiding/ staff/manufacture rep
    Animal Damage Control trapping
    Squeezed in about 15 years of tournament fishing – learned to hate people and quit

    35 years self employed residential and light commercial GC

    Sr. Estimator for a commercial roofing company ( short time)

    Sales Director/Sr Estimator for a construction company

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11041

    According to my Employees, I do nothing.

    Owner of a small GC company.

    Posts: 195

    Fraud investigator for a wealth management firm.

    Posts: 224

    Foodservice my entire life and a decade ago I was lucky enough to transition out of the restaurant world and into the K12 scene for a contract management company and what a world of difference it was. No nights, no holidays, no weekends and the district I work at is not eligible for a summer program so summers off too.

    I made the mistake taking an area management position in the healthcare sector during the peak of COVID for a competing company and it was without a doubt, the worst job I had ever had. The summer of love and pandemic did me no favors as my territory was Minneapolis/St. Paul/Minnetonka/Hopkins/Edina/St. Cloud/Trempealeau County/New Glarus. Two buildings, skilled facilities in Minneapolis and the other in New Glarus had a COVID testing policy where you needed to pass two tests per week to be allowed in the building. If you missed one, you were not eligible to enter for 14 days and had to return with a negative test. What a fun drive back and forth on a biweekly basis that was.

    I was lucky enough that the individual they had hired to replace me at the district was a real dirt bag and they called to see if I’d be interested in a return and I jumped all over that. The plan is to ride this out the next 20-25 years and retire here. It just doesn’t get much better.

    Posts: 588

    Manufacturer’s sales rep in the construction industry. Industry full of like minded good people and I either work out of my home office or behind my steering wheel. Plenty of idiots in rep positions so if your decent at your job, you earn people’s respect rather quickly and can do well.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5097


    Cody Meyers
    Posts: 464

    I’m a Project Manager at a large local General Contractor. I just made a change after doing reconstruction and sales roles for nearly 12 years (same company). Change can be good, it can re motivate you when you’ve got to hustle and learn. That’s been the case for me.

    Jake D
    Watertown, SD
    Posts: 603

    I buy corn for an ethanol plant. You really get to see what everyone is like

    Posts: 2117

    Network Administrator

    Going back to school for a B.S. Degree, in IT management.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22891

    Last 23 years, managing Auto Dealership Service and Parts Depts. Mostly Chrysler, with some Ford, Lincoln, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan & Infiniti

    Before that, I was Plant Manager at J-Craft… we built all the MN DOT Plow rigs you see and lots of municipalities and county trucks.

    Shafer, MN
    Posts: 137

    Formerly a manufacturing engineer, now I help operate the business side of my wife’s veterinary practice. My days are now spent fixing stuff, improving stuff, managing staff, and a whole pile of paperwork.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3168

    browse the internet cloud networking stuff

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21939

    Structurally fix and tear down buildings. This is cutting off 10 giant footings holding up 1/4 section of the capital and digging the footings down deeper 10ft. All while holding 2 million pounds above our heads.

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    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1590

    Retired network engineer, IT project manager, IT infrastructure manager. Best job was project manager for a manufacturing company building data centers in new facilities. Then transitioned to PM for their Y2K corporate program. Not my best job.

    James Conklyn
    Posts: 61

    Absolutely nothing. Live off all the workers. Retired for the past 14 years. yay

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12418

    What’s your experience or interests in? Are you motivated to make as much money as possible or is time off and work/life balance more important? Feel free to PM me if you want to answer privately, I work in insurance with a lot of businesses and most of them are hiring.

    Posts: 6615

    I’m a Cat Herder.

    Some days are harder than others, but you’ll have that on big jobs.

    Technically I’m a project superintendent, but Cat Herder sounds more realistic jester

    Rhinelander, WI
    Posts: 86

    I’m semi-retired but do work at a “big box” hardware store in appliance sales.
    Always have been in sales – consumer products and then in pro beauty field.
    40 something years in sales.

    The current job is enjoyable, and the company truly treats the employees quite well.

    Posts: 3913

    Free lance gynecologist.

    Spent most of my life working in marine, auto, ag, and aviation arenas, small business owner now that services all makes and models of outboards and I/O engines/outdrives, we service about any brand or model of cars and trucks as well.
    I am also a Suzuki marine dealer.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3130

    I fish, I fish for free. When I’m not fishing I may be hunting, again for free. Occasionally I make things, knives, wooden bowls, table lamps, etc. to be given away to friends and family.
    I also am a semi professional daytime napper. wave

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2200

    Owner/project manager of a commercial carpentry and drywall contractor.

    Posts: 5305

    22 years as a hardwood floor guy

    <60 days into job sup for residential restoration

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4311

    Free lance gynecologist.

    I’d like see your credentials? whistling

    Do you have t-shirts that say
    “I’m no doctor but I’ll take a look” doah

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2200

    Anything you’re leaning towards, Rip?

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