What’s every one shooting this year ?

  • Bearcat89
    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22363

    Any one buy anything new this year, any new sights, rests, releases? New bow or cross bow in general.
    I haven’t changed a thing still shooting the hoyt charger I bought off a member here to see of my shoulder could hang. Just upgraded my son’s bow from a pse stinger to the new bow tech 360 edge. He has been grouping shots consistently now for a couple months out to 30 yards. I told him no hunting until his shots are consistent, and he worked his butt off to be there.
    But any ways, how many guys are going to cross bow mn now that it’s legal this archery season ?

    Posts: 25044

    I was going to surprise my son with a crossbow since I have been on a pulltab hotstreak, but when I looked at the prices I decided it needed to be HOTTER.

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 1161

    Phase 4 29, 70 lb. Arrow wise shooting the new CX Maxima Photon. Always playing around with different broadheads/fletching combos, etc.

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1894

    Got a Prime Centroid that I’m still shooting from 2012. With my Prime warranty, I get new strings and cables every 2 years, so I can’t find a reason to upgrade. Using Gold Tip Hunter arrows with some 100 grain Muzzys, combo always seems to get me meat.

    Posts: 1250

    Hoyt Torrex XT, maxed out at 72lbs. Switched to a Black Gold 3 pin slider this year. 10000x better than fixed pins in my opinion!

    I regularly practice out to 80 yards, occasionally stretching it out to 100. It makes anything under 40 yards feel like a chip shot!

    Posts: 25044

    You guys have any success actually shooting deer at those distances? A lot can go wrong that far out no?

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22363

    You guys have any success actually shooting deer at those distances? A lot can go wrong that far out no?

    I wouldn’t take a shot past 40. And 40 would be my max distance. Further then that becomes a gamble and I like to stay ethical. I practice out to 60 yards poked at 80 but mostly practice to 60

    Galesville, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1517

    I’ll be shooting my mathews dxt until it blows up or I cannot draw it anymore (my shoulder is telling me this will be the last 70# bow I shoot though).
    (Backstory to below, I gree up with my dad shooting a bear recurve with the old fiberglass arrows from the 60’s that weighed a ton by modern standards, bit I recall ever deer he shot those things just blew through the deer even with that ‘slow’ recurve)
    In my quest to create a sledgehammer of an arrow this year I tested out adding various insert weights to see how they flew and hit the target (cx piledrivers). I settled on 100 grains added, increased my FOC to around 14% if I recall correctly. Flys well and thumps the target a lot better according to my ear, just shy of 600 grain total weight (now within 50 grains of those old fiberglass arrows of my dads). I initially only tried 100 to see if I could see what ‘too much’ looked like but turns out they were the best test arrows I shot(did 20, 50, 70 and 100). I do not shoot distance in the woods, longest shot maybe 30 yards (relatively thick woods and I don’t hunt fields), most set ups are 20 yards or under for primary kill zones so the added ‘arc’ of the heavier arrow of little concern for me. I don’t have a chronograph but speed change at 20 yards visually seemed minimal, my point if impact didn’t move at 20, 30 yard it dropped a little more but not a lot(don’t remember exactly).

    My buddy swears by grim reaper heads so I’m going to take a chance on a mechanical this year too, at least until they give me a reason to think otherwise. If I go back to fixed blades though I will go back to a replaceable type blade as I’ve not been able to ever get the Montec broadheads as sharp as I’d really like them to be, so may as well go with replaceable type that come out the box sharper to begin with.

    Posts: 1250

    You guys have any success actually shooting deer at those distances? A lot can go wrong that far out no?

    No, deer I won’t shoot past 40. They’re far too jumpy. I like to practice out to longer ranges because it requires you to be more fine tuned in every way. Then when you go to take a short shot on a deer it’s way easier!

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 1161

    You guys have any success actually shooting deer at those distances? A lot can go wrong that far out no?

    God gave me a 60 yard pin for a reason….lol.

    In all seriousness, 50 is as far as I like to shoot at critters, but practice out to 90-ish in part for the hell of it, in part to make those 20 yard shots that much more of a chip shot. Conditions and the critter’s demeanor have to be perfect for me to take a shot in that 40-60 yard range.

    I also am fortunate enough to work for an archery company and shoot out to 60 in our indoor test range every single day, which is definitely not the norm.

    Ben K.
    Posts: 126

    Nothing new on the bow this year. I’m shooting the Hoyt Rx7 that I bought a couple seasons ago. I had no intention of buying a Hoyt or a carbon bow when I walked into the shop, but I just enjoyed shooting it more than anything else. I’ve got a Schaffer opposition air sight (pins) and a vapor trail rest on it. Shooting fmjs and wasp drone heads which at 510ish grains are a bit heavy but I originally bought them for a tag soup elk hunt last year. No western trip for me this year so I’m daydreaming about my mn and wi hunts.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3205

    Sticking with my V3x from last year! I have 0 desire to change to a crossbow. I wont shoot past 30yards personally at a deer. I setup fairly close though. Going to be on deer all season!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22363

    Sticking with my V3x from last year! I have 0 desire to change to a crossbow. I wont shoot past 30yards personally at a deer. I setup fairly close though. Going to be on deer all season!

    Heck yeah. Go get them. I really like that v3x that’s a nice bow.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3205

    Still wont save me from buck fever coffee learned that one last year the hard way.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22363

    Still wont save me from buck fever coffee learned that one last year the hard way.

    If buck fever wasn’t a thing then I don’t think I’d enjoy hunting as much

    Posts: 601

    I am strongly left eye dominant and right handed. I have a Hoyt RX-1 carbon Redwrx bow with the Burris oracle on it. I can’t focus on the pin and target through the peep. It’s due to age and worsening eyesight that can’t be corrected. With the new law, I just bought a Ravin R10. I can see to shoot that just fine with the scope. It doesn’t feel the same as bow hunting though.

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 1161

    Still wont save me from buck fever coffee learned that one last year the hard way.

    Best way to get past it is get back in the saddle and whack something. A few years back I missed two bull elk (one being a 330″ stud) and a 130″-ish whitetail. Needless to say by the end of the season I was ready to throw my bow off the lift bridge in Duluth lol. It wasn’t until I whacked something the next year that I had my mojo back.

    If archery hunting was easy, everyone would be doing it.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3205

    Best way to get past it is get back in the saddle and whack something. A few years back I missed two bull elk (one being a 330″ stud) and a 130″-ish whitetail. Needless to say by the end of the season I was ready to throw my bow off the lift bridge in Duluth lol. It wasn’t until I whacked something the next year that I had my mojo back.

    If archery hunting was easy, everyone would be doing it.

    I agree fully. I hit him just didnt kill
    Him. 130” ten. I couldnt imagine having a chance at a 330” bull. Would need new pants shock

    Posts: 1310

    TH try out a magnifier for your peep. Ton of people use that have same issues.

    Posts: 588

    Shooting a Matthews V3 again at 73lbs 30” draw. Switched up arrows and broadheads this year though. Last deer I threw an arrow at, I had the unfortunate no pass through with a Rage hypodermic and never recovered the deer. There was human error to blame as well but I just don’t have confidence in the Rage heads anymore.

    New setup is a Victory RIP TKO arrow, 4 fletched coming in at 523 grains. Going to try two new broadheads. First will be a Magnus hornet fixed blade. Second one I’m looking at is the Muzzy Trocar hybrids.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3205

    New setup is a Victory RIP TKO arrow, 4 fletched coming in at 523 grains. Going to try two new broadheads. First will be a Magnus hornet fixed blade. Second one I’m looking at is the Muzzy Trocar hybrids.

    I really like magnus. I shoot the stinger buzzcuts. They only make good heads. Guy even honored the warranty after I had one pass through a deer and damage the main blade in the ground passed it. Solid choice.

    Posts: 588

    It’ll be my first time shooting a fixed blade. Bought an extra set of 3 for target practice. We will see how it goes but I’ve heard/read nothing but good things about Magnus heads

    Posts: 9325

    You guys have any success actually shooting deer at those distances? A lot can go wrong that far out no?

    I have friends that go out west every year. They had one trip where the average distance was probably 90 yards. One shot one at 110.

    Posts: 25044

    DT this is amazing! Obviously they are well prepared and practice a ton to pull that off.

    Posts: 1054

    Had shoulder surgery a few years ago and sold my Black Widow recurve. Tried shooting some compound bows but they didn’t work either. I bought a 10 Point Turbo S1 crossbow. I am able to cock it with the accudraw crank system. I still will stick to 30 yard or less shots. Almost all deer jump the string and anything long range is risky IMHO. Gonna enjoy being back out.


    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22363

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>CaptainMusky wrote:</div>
    You guys have any success actually shooting deer at those distances? A lot can go wrong that far out no?

    I have friends that go out west every year. They had one trip where the average distance was probably 90 yards. One shot one at 110.

    Not worth it. To much risk in wounding a animal. Many don’t worry about that but very against my ethics

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 18

    Going with my Mathews vxr28 one more season. September 16th can’t come soon enough

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 18

    Carter, Magnus in my opinion makes the best fixed blade on the market. I really like my black hornets. Good luck this season.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12323

    Diamond Archery Edge. It’s all the bow I need, I can’t see that spending twice as much will help me shoot twice as good.

    Believe me, the problem ain’t the bow. I’ve missed two years in a row. 40 yards? Ha! The last 2 deer I’ve shot at were both just over 30 and they jumped the string so quickly I’ll bet I didn’t get the arrow close enough to even cause minor concern.

    Must get closer!


    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 1161

    Diamond Archery Edge. It’s all the bow I need, I can’t see that spending twice as much will help me shoot twice as good.

    Believe me, the problem ain’t the bow. I’ve missed two years in a row. 40 yards? Ha! The last 2 deer I’ve shot at were both just over 30 and they jumped the string so quickly I’ll bet I didn’t get the arrow close enough to even cause minor concern.

    Must get closer!


    Not sure what arrow/fletching/broadhead setup you have Grouse but I have noticed that making an effort to shoot quieter vanes/heads DOES make a difference. Now, if the deer is on alert and has some sort of idea the game is up, then there isn’t much than can save you other than a 100+ grain bullet going north of 2800 fps.

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