I’ll be shooting my mathews dxt until it blows up or I cannot draw it anymore (my shoulder is telling me this will be the last 70# bow I shoot though).
(Backstory to below, I gree up with my dad shooting a bear recurve with the old fiberglass arrows from the 60’s that weighed a ton by modern standards, bit I recall ever deer he shot those things just blew through the deer even with that ‘slow’ recurve)
In my quest to create a sledgehammer of an arrow this year I tested out adding various insert weights to see how they flew and hit the target (cx piledrivers). I settled on 100 grains added, increased my FOC to around 14% if I recall correctly. Flys well and thumps the target a lot better according to my ear, just shy of 600 grain total weight (now within 50 grains of those old fiberglass arrows of my dads). I initially only tried 100 to see if I could see what ‘too much’ looked like but turns out they were the best test arrows I shot(did 20, 50, 70 and 100). I do not shoot distance in the woods, longest shot maybe 30 yards (relatively thick woods and I don’t hunt fields), most set ups are 20 yards or under for primary kill zones so the added ‘arc’ of the heavier arrow of little concern for me. I don’t have a chronograph but speed change at 20 yards visually seemed minimal, my point if impact didn’t move at 20, 30 yard it dropped a little more but not a lot(don’t remember exactly).
My buddy swears by grim reaper heads so I’m going to take a chance on a mechanical this year too, at least until they give me a reason to think otherwise. If I go back to fixed blades though I will go back to a replaceable type blade as I’ve not been able to ever get the Montec broadheads as sharp as I’d really like them to be, so may as well go with replaceable type that come out the box sharper to begin with.