What you smoking??

  • glenn57
    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    Just helping the DNR!!

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    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    northern pike our DNR wants out of the lakes!!!!

    Tom Albrecht
    Eau Claire
    Posts: 547

    Looks delicious! Do they make a good smoked fish?

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    Looks delicious! Do they make a good smoked fish?

    yea an awesome smoked fish..in my mind!!!!! i’ve never had anyone not like them!!!

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18991

    Nice work Glenn. Pike are abundant, easy to catch, and pretty good tasting. More anglers should follow your lead and utilize this overpopulated resource.

    Posts: 13050

    Oh completely different thread than I thought. sleeping
    Carry on…

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    Now that looks awesome. A light lemon sauce be great with those.
    I scored a chuckeye roast today. My favorite roast on the grill.

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    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5897

    Dino bones, it’s what’s for dinner.

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    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1499

    Just helping the DNR!!

    Mind sharing the recipe or how long you smoked them? Never thought about smoking Pike but now I want to try it.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>glenn57 wrote:</div>
    Just helping the DNR!!

    Mind sharing the recipe or how long you smoked them? Never thought about smoking <em class=”ido-tag-em”>Pike but now I want to try it.

    Yea I’ll post it later, the brine is pretty elaborate but worth every bit of it

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    Here is the brine, easily covered 14 fillets of the about 2 lb fish.

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    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1499

    Thanks for sharing the recipe. Going to try this sometime this winter when I can get into some snakes.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    Thanks for sharing the recipe. Going to try this sometime this winter when I can get into some snakes.

    i got this from my brother…..its his go to brine and also does chicken quarters with it.

    disregard the part where it says no city water!!!!!!!!you can use the water from your faucet…i did!!!!!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22323

    That looks awesome

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12637

    I smoked 2 turkeys on a Traeger for Turkey Day. One was a lemon pepper rub and the other a hatch green chile. Both were very good and the lemon one, with lemons in the cavity, was considerably more juicy.

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    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12734

    I have 2 Big Pork shoulders on the pellet grill right now. Wife is having a girl get together with some friends and wanted pulled pork. Decided if I was going to do one for her, I might as well do a 2nd one at the same time and take it up North with me this weekend for Muzzleloader hunting. Got it on the grill at 9:00 this morning at 250 Deg. Hope this one doesn’t take as long as the last one I did. Plan to cook it for 5 Hr’s and then wrap in foil and cook for another 3 Hrs or so. That’s the plan anyway. Last one I did for my daughters Graduation party took close to 12 Hr’s.

    Posts: 4802

    Found pork butts on sale for $1.19lb at hy vee a couple weeks ago. Couldn’t pass up that price now days

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    Posts: 4802

    Here was the finished product after 9 hours on the smoker

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    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5897

    I’m just down here “Mak’in Bacon”

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    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5897

    26 lbs 12 oz Duraroc pork bellies.

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    Posts: 4802

    Looks excellent! Homemade bacon is so much better than the store bought crap.

    Care to share how you make it?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Looks excellent! Homemade bacon is so much better than the store bought crap.

    Care to share how you make it?

    I’d like to know more as well.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5897

    Sorry I have been on the naughty list. frown Please forgive me. wave

    So here’s the short version.

    Ok, been busy with a work for hire project. I’ve had some meat in the basement fridge for a bit the first one is 26.5 pounds of pork bellies. I try to purchase the heaviest weights of heritage pork bellies that I can find with the rines removed and a uniform thickness.

    Brined for 2 to 3 weeks in a soft solution of ;
    1 cup kosher salt (Not less than a 1/2 cup)
    1 cup dark brown sugar
    1 heaping tablespoon #1 pink cure (Do Not Confuse Pink Salt with this!!!)
    1 gallon water.

    I use a 5 gal bucket that is food grade and it has never been used for anything else but food in it. For 4 t0 6 bellies I need 2-5 gal buckets and a double batch of brine. I can fit/hang 5 racks into my smaller smoker at one time.

    I make a double batch of brine and set the bellies in rotate every day or two, Fill a gallon ziplock with the brine and lay on top to keep the bellies submerged into the brine. Keep these in a cold place that maintains a 33 to 39 degree temp for the duration of 2 to 3 weeks, (you can do less time but,,,,). My basement fridge.

    Removed from the brine and rinsed off underwater

    Laid out uncovered in the fridge to dry for 1 to 2 days (or hung in the smoker).

    Hang in the smoker and using the “A-maze-N” A Maze N maze full of my choice pellets, cold smoke for a day till gone and then the next day cold smoke them all over again.
    The third day fire up the smoker @ 150 for 1 hr, @160 for an hr, @ 170 for an hr then @ 180 till the internal temp is 145 to 150. Shut off the smoker and let them rest. (Side note here I’m doing then during the cold weather months with no worries of heat and freezing).

    After a day or two rest slice then to your desired thickness. Portion into bags and vac, then freeze!

    Excellent smokey bacon!

    You will find if you slice this bacon thick or thicker than the store bought, it will;
    Taste better
    Splatter less (Barely a need for a splatter screen)
    Needs to have a lower fry temp (keep the burner on a lower temp!!)
    Cook a tad lesser done, but still to your liking.

    Biggest reason, it is not injected with solution and you know exactly what is in it!
    Heritage breed pork that is just salt and sugar.
    The curing salt is at a level of less than 1/3 of the norm and still extremely lesser than the commercial processors that you get at the stores, plus it is not injected with water.

    Let me know If I may be of any other help on this.

    Lately I’ve been making this for others as well as myself. This last batch has been all spoken for.

    Jeff Gilberg
    Posts: 133

    Not to step on DennyO’s toes.
    You can adjust salt and sugar as you like but you should be more precise with the cure. weigh the water and the belly and multiply by .oo25 for the correct amount of cure. (its easiest to use grams). Too much or too little can make you sick.
    Lots of suspect recipes on the web. search “Playing with smoke and fire” for more details

    Posts: 1719

    Glen, Next time you do northerns. Get the biggest ones you can. Gut and remove the gills. Then boil a pot of water and pour over them. The slime layer will turn milky color. Then you can take newspaper or a rag and wipe all the scales and slime completely off, and rinse. Steak them about 2 1/2″ and rub with seasonings. Place cavity down in the smoker, cook till the meat flakes. I also include the head. Great presentation piece, and some good meat on the top of the head. Meat stays moist. Probably my favorite fish to smoke. When it’s done. you can flex the steak. The ends of the y-bones pop out. You can pull them 6 or 8 at a time. Good lunch to take in the boat.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    stevenoak, no disrespect, but the thought of warm/hot water on fish frightens me. i know a little shouldnt hurt.

    the process you discribe is interesting. i’m not sure where or how i found this out, but to get rid of the slime i simply put the fillets in an ice cream pail and water and about 2 tablespoons at most of vinegar. let them sit in the frig overnight, then rinse them off and slime is gone forever!!!!! even after froze. we’ve been doing this for years!!!!!!!!

    we do something similar to your Y-bone method, seems to work good too!!! my smoker isnt all that big and i think the head still attached could create issues??????

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