Probably spending a lot of time scouting deer and tuning/shooting the bow in prep for the deer opener. 2 daughters kept me busy as did work with a friend as remodeling carpenters. My 42nd birthday was in a couple months.
I was similar to Toms post except it was one daughter and no bow hunting or practice shots. 1 daughter, I hunt hunt deer, running a BSA troop, a life member of a local Izaak Walton League and coach of the daughters softball team. Ya I’m a remodeling contractor too.
That’s a 10-4 on the BBS. Our first computer was a Tandy 1000, 2 DS-DD 5-1/4″ hard drives and a color monitor. Woo Hoo!! Don’t forget the dot matrix Panasonic printer that I still have for some unknown reason. This was a very pricey set up When I got it!
Oregon Trail, Carmen Sandiego, Reader Rabbit, Writer Rabbit, shot, can’t thing of the others. How about a bit later with Mist, 7th Guest, Riven, 11th Hour and Time Lapse”