What to plant

  • sktrwx2200
    Posts: 727

    I ran out of bean seed and left a remaining portion about 1 acre in the center of the bean plot. The beans around the center portion are up and doing well so far, and the middle section is greening up really nice with pasture grass while I make up my mind on what to do.
    Situation is.. Ive already have PLENTY of beans and Corn started last month and it is doing great.. So I dont want to ADD any more of those.
    I have a $75 bag of BioLogic Maximum in the freezer from last year.. But after 3 consecutive years of putting brassicas out.. they still are yet to touch it. So I am leary to plant it again.. but I have the seed already, what else would I do with it beside try it again??
    My 16 acres of Crop fields is OATS this year.. so I dont need to plant any of that….
    Clover wouldn’t be a draw for this year..
    Thinking winter wheat or winter peas, or Cereal rye?

    What to do? Any suggestions.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I hear your frustration with brassica, I have the same problem at home and will NOT plant it again there. I think you are too early for Rye, but the winter wheat sounds like a good option to me or a fast growing med red clover or any other plow down type of clover.

    Posts: 727

    I either have to hustle to for putting spring seed in the ground or I don’t have a problem with waiting til fall to plant it. Im just on the fence as to WHAT to put in there. This field is where I see the most action.. the field to south turned out way more food.. has loads of beans and corn this year.. So I dont want this field to have no draw. Fear if I do put in the brassicas.. that they will avoid this field all together. At my place the refuse to even walk through it at each location I have put it in. Its like its HOT LAVA!! haha

    I do have some left over of a mix that I tried 2 years ago in the freezer still. .it is a mix of
    Spring forage peas, forage soybeans, sunflowers, rye grain, crimson clover, common vetch, forage turnips, sugar beets, and Daikon forage radish.
    Maybe ill just throw that in there…. risky though with the brassicas..

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12218

    I guess it depends on if you want to go annual or perennial with this portion of the plot?

    Perennial plot mixes like clover, alfalfa, etc are a great draw and a great workload reducer because with a little spray they only need to be reseeded every few years. There is never a time when deer won’t eat clover and similar if they can get to it. For maximum attraction for the first fall, plant it with winter grain nurse crop of wheat or rye so the plot is fuller and the clover is protected.

    For an annual plot, any winter grain planted in late summer or whatever the usual planting time is for your area.

    I’ve tried peas, but the deer seem to like them too well. They browse off the young pea plants until they find and snip off the last one. It is difficult for me to imagine how big a pea plot would have to be to survive higher numbers of deer, but they certainly DO love peas for as long as they last.

    Deer will always go to the easiest, high-quality food available. Sticker seems to have what is typical for areas where deer “don’t like” brassicas. He has lots of standing corn nearby. I don’t think it’s a case of the deer being somehow repelled by brassicas as much as just shunning it for a much easier alternative that offers both food and cover. If you have a lot of standing corn or even corn stubble that isn’t tilled under before/during season, it’s just probably going to be the case that brassicas will be a tough sell.


    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Yes, if you want a Perennial plot, put alfalfa in there. The seed is expensive, but our rented out 55 acres has had it in there for 5 years now and it is a HUGE draw. They graze quickly thru the beans to get to it.

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