B-man-why is 20lb ‘leader materiel’ better than 100% flouro regular line? And why?
The short answer is that it’s a lot tougher
It’s made differently, and is a lot “harder.” You’ll see the difference when you tie your first knot and catch your first pike.
I’m not a chemist for Seaguar, but I promise it will be leaps and bounds above the line you are currently using.
Like I said originally though, 20-25lb Blue Label is a nice compromise when you’re after walleyes but still want to land pike. It’s not bullet proof, but I’ve probably landed 40 northerns this year without one break off. I’ll wager that even 10lb Blue Label will hold up as well as the current 20lb you’re using.
Just check for bad abrasion and re-tie if necessary.
If you’re after pike and pike alone, step up the game and go with 40-80lb Blue Label or go with 7-strand. That stuff will last far longer without having to be re-tied. FYI, once you get to the 50lb+ level, crimps are a lot easier than knots.