What 's the best planer board out there ?

  • fireline
    Posts: 813

    What’s the best planer board out there ?

    critterhouse 75
    western wisconsin
    Posts: 41

    Should get alot of differing opinions on this. I have used the off shore and the Orange church walleye boards. I like the Church board, easy to use ride nice in choppy conditions. I’ve used them on Pepin and on Lake Superior. Never had an issue with them.

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 713

    Used Church and Off Shore, both Ok and about the same for me. Tried the new Ninja ones this last week, and not sure how I like them yet. Easy to attach and take off, but didn’t really ride all that well for me in the water. Will try them some more. Was pulling 4 and 5 color leadcore when I tried them.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    One off a mast and not inline. Love my Big Jons.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    One that floats….I like church boards.

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