what line for Northern Pike?

  • Ryan Harrison
    Posts: 5

    I am from Alberta, Canada, and this summer I am hoping to target some pike up to around 3 ft or 10ish lbs. I’ve always used mono but I’m hoping to try braid. I don’t know what brand to use or what lb test. Can you guys help me out with this. Also are there any colours of braid that are better than others?

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18760

    I don’t specifically target pike but I catch a lot of them when I’m bass and muskie fishing. If I was going to specifically target good size pike in that range I would use braided line in the 30-40 pound test capacity. Braid has less diameter than mono and minimal stretch but it costs more and it’s tougher to get untangled if you get a back lash.

    Moss green is probably a safe color. Make sure you use a steel, titanium, or fluorocarbon leader.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    10 pound diameter braid in smoke. Wire leader will work fine. Please use barbless hooks and use care in releasing them. If you are looking for a meal target smaller fish in the 24″ range.

    Have fun.

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1305

    I like Dracon, I know old school but tough, abrasion resistant and inexpensive. Also lot easier to get back lashes out doah

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1305

    I would recommend at least 40# and I go heavier. You get a big “gator” wrapping you around some weeds and you are going to need some muscle to pull him out. Also depending on the size lure you are throwing they are expensive and if you get a backlash if you don’t have heavy enough line on you are just going to watch your expensive lure get launched half way across the lake. You will notice common theme with me at least with a bait caster you are going to have a back lash every once in a while no matter how careful you are. I will caution if you want this set up to do double duty and fish lake trout you will need to run at least a 12′ leader of mono. If you run the Dracon or braid for that matter to the lure it will definitely affect your catch rate for LT Pike don’t care.

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1450

    I typically use braid in 30# to 50#.

    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997

    60# or so braid for baitcaster, nothing to do with the size of the fish. What lures are you throwing? This answers the question. Since you’re in Alberta I’ll assume you may use bigger lures for trophy caliber fish.

    Case in point, I’m really a mono guy too. 20# on the baitcasters for bigger baits, think mepps musky killers, 1oz daredevles. 12# on a spinning reel for 3/8-5/8oz crankbaits.

    Now I tried braid, hated it, gave up, but recently came back a bit. First real year in Canada, think it was 30# braid. small backlash, line broke, and watched my $15 bucktail keep sailing on. double damage because that lure was actually catching fish

    Fast forward to the last two years. I got a reel for musky and put 80# powerpro. While this is overkill for pike I can throw some heavy baits without fear of losing them. Also good points about thicker line being easier to fix backlashes.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5999

    So much easier to snap a bait free of weeds with braid-that action is a trigger too. With mono you can waste half of a cast dragging weeds around-also can help you get out of wood, pads, rock, all those bad casts we think we will not make because we are in fantasy land right now before things start up again, good luck you have a nice problem to have for sure.

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    I am from Alberta, Canada, and this summer I am hoping to target some pike up to around 3 ft or 10ish lbs. I’ve always used mono but I’m hoping to try braid. I don’t know what brand to use or what lb test. Can you guys help me out with this. Also are there any colours of braid that are better than others?

    Heres my take… We get into some absolute monster pike in Ontario. We portage a lot and mostly target walleye so gear is limited. 8-10 lb mono with a steal leader will be your best bet I’ve found, pending your area. We fish hard in rocks. You get 30+ lb braid stuck, you’re cutting g a lot of line. It’s not generally the weight of a fish breaking the line, it’s the teeth.

    Side note, some people use 30-50 lb braid Marlin fishing…

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