What lakes are currently allowing permanent ice shelters?

  • icecave22
    Posts: 14

    I am brand new to using a permanent ice shelter and how to navigate using it. I have yet to be able to take it out due to conditions and time.
    Two questions:
    1. Currently (Jan.16th) what lakes would you recommend me taking my shelter out on?
    2. How do you go about finding access to plowed roads on the ice?
    Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions!

    AK Guy
    Posts: 1562

    Check the resorts on all the big lakes in Minnesota. They all maintain roads for access. Lots of ice up north so there isn’t a problem getting out.

    Posts: 12735

    Not sure where you are located but Mille Lacs would be a good spot to try for first time and work out some of the kinks. Plenty of resorts to go out of that all have road systems.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    What size do you have ? Where are you located. My old man has had his 6.5 x 14 out for a while. But he is pulling it by wheeler not truck. I’m driving truck out near my house now, but not many others are. I would pull a smaller shack out behind my truck right now, but only on 2 or 3 of the local lakes. And only to certain spots.

    Posts: 14

    I have a 8 x 22 Ice Cave living in East Bethel.

    Posts: 4800

    Lotw, red, Winnie, leech, Mille lacs (not sure on the ice conditions there) all have resorts with plowed roads. Pick a lake and then pick a resort

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    I have a 8 x 22 Ice Cave living in East Bethel.

    Mille lacs is your best bet for trying it out. Closest to home is better. At least in my mind. 8 x 22 is heavy. Need lots of ice. It’s kind of one of those shacks you get to use near home for 1.5 months. Maybe 2.

    Michael Saal
    Merrill, Wi
    Posts: 665

    We were on red over the holidays and Jr’s was allowing all sizes of trucks and houses. There was 18” of ice back then.

    Gregg Gunter
    Posts: 1059

    Check out Livin MN Outdoors on YouTube. Weekly reports on the big lakes. Worth a look.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    22ft is pretty long for a single axle, interesting set up. Mille Lacs, Winnie, Red and LOW should for sure have enough ice, just make sure to follow the resorts direction on where to go and not go. With all the snow you will want them to plow you a spot. Plan for some flooding. My biggest issue lately has been getting the house moving after the weekend, after it floods your on glare ice and traction is minimal. Feel free to PM questions if you like

    Posts: 24602

    There is a tremendous amount of slush on the ice now with the rain we had yesterday in central MN. That is a HUGE house for a single axle I cant imagine that is going to tow real well.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    I thought the same thing. I’m curious if it’s 18 with a 4ft v

    Posts: 2224

    I would suspect that Red and LOW are the best bets. Maybe Winnie, but call first.

    Mille Lacs … I would look across each resort site reports and then speak with the manager/owner to determine your options. Options maybe very limited on ML if you are not a seasonal customer.

    Posts: 14

    Thanks for all the great suggestions. I think I may try Leech (not too far north and yet maybe less slush?).
    BC you are correct! It’s an 18 foot with 4 foot V.

    Posts: 4800

    Think I’m heading to leech on Friday also

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