What If They’re Not Stars, But Pinholes….

  • Deuces
    Posts: 5303

    You guys really seem petty poking fun at an 82 yr old woman’s looks.

    Doesn’t chap my hide but just a fwiw

    Posts: 4317

    Remember in junior high when you always picked on the girl you thought was cutest and had a crush on. Just saying.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4050

    My theory is that the stuff that the military pilots are seeing, is actually of US origin. It’s the same type of cover-up that’s been going on for 80 years, first with jet development and then stealth. Super-advanced, top-secret technology that the government would rather have the public believe are not of human origin. Then the cover story writes itself. Also makes sense to test it in our own skies against our own aircraft and deny any knowledge of it– as opposed to risking some type of conflict with an advisary where it could trigger a larger conflict or at a minimum compromise the tech if something went wrong. Maybe the tech originated out of this world, but I don’t think what they’re seeing is ET out for a cruise.

    100% agree. I’ve always felt this way. All kinds of alleged UFO sightings in Nevada. There’s also been a ton of top-secret aircraft and weapons development in that area. I’ve always felt that the government, military, and intelligence agencies have been more than happy to hear people broadcast their theories about what they think is happening to take attention away from what they’re really working on.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12471

    You guys really seem petty poking fun at an 82 yr old woman’s looks.

    Nope – Not all 82 yr olds – Just her. I happen to think she is one of the evilest politicians in US history, and that’s saying a lot. Only in a State like California could someone like her win 16 re-elections.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6680

    Nope – Not all 82 yr olds – Just her. I happen to think she is one of the evilest politicians in US history, and that’s saying a lot.


    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17287

    It was a joke……………kind of.

    Since we are talking about stuff……was Einstein a genius or just a brilliant inventor? Did he ever invent anything that failed? Ummmmm……..

    Posts: 2596

    All I’m saying is that humankind’s most brilliant minds with what they’ve deduced about the physical world makes it impossible for “others” to detect and travel to us even at the speed of light. It’s almost as if God designed it that way…

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21778

    All I’m saying is that humankind’s most brilliant minds with what they’ve deduced about the physical world makes it impossible for “others” to detect and travel to us even at the speed of light. It’s almost as if God designed it that way…

    If they don’t know everything about the ocean how can they say that about space. Maybe its not all created that way

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    In terms of the universe’s beginnings, if we still embrace any kind of big bang origination, we’re all the same age. Therefore, development beyond our own would indeed require a greater intelligence and if such a being exists, I’d be interested to know how its intelligence developed faster than ours.

    Personally, I’m the stick in the mud because so far, the math never works. We’re supposed to believe all this science stuff but the math doesn’t work across the board, and why they have to keep adjusting it.
    We can make oil in 60 minutes, not millions of years. The placement of oil deposits denotes inequality in explanation, and crude has a shelf life. The math doesn’t work.
    Our atmosphere and all that live it survive in symbiosis. To establish and maintain, it all had to come at the same relative time, and by that, I’m talking days, not millenniums. One cannot survive without the other.
    As for the projections of earth-like planets, notice that they’ve found others in the magical Goldilocks Zone, but appear unable to support life. Stephen Hawking has calculated that if anything in the positioning of the earth was altered by even one quadrillionth of a percent, it would alter what could or could not survive/exist here. Therefore, think in terms of a lottery and the odds of winning. Just because there are more tickets sold than needed to produce a one out of whatever chance of winning, it still takes an exact pick to win, and why there is often no winner. If our placement is that critically fragile, I’d like to see what an actuary would calculate the odds of actually finding said perfect combination.
    Duplicity and order is rampant across our galaxies and the universe, and order and duplicity are rampant on earth. If “life” is expected to be so common, why is it so hard to find?
    Last, there has yet to be any manufacturing or creating of animate from inanimate. We always have to borrow from an animate source to do all the things that we do. Once anything is dead, or assembled from dead, independent animation is out of reach. There is no “animate” in space. It cannot survive it. If it could, the moon would be full of it and we’d have brought back baggies of new organisms from the Apollo missions. Which reminds me, the oversized landing pucks on the Eagle Lander were there because according to the calculated age of our universe, there should have been a minimum of three feet of space dust. Instead, they found… an inch? And now the ladder is too short? Anyway, “life” cannot just drop out of the sky, unless we’re going to revert back to the ages of spontaneous generation.

    When theories are only built upon theories, they are still just theories and empty of foundational truth, no matter how they twist it or try to dumb us down. Records of adaptation, mutation, and manufactured alteration do not prove anything, for they are separate entities.

    There are many things in this world that we cannot explain. I’ve experienced such things myself. No beer, no drugs, not dreaming. There are things greater than us and we are not alone, but because we want tangibility and to place things on our terms, we do not want to embrace their existence as something supernatural, not limited to our laws of physics, even though there is more evidence of that than anything else. It’s like trying to measure God. We can’t so we dismiss it and fabricate our own conclusions, based on the tangibility’s we can gather, and all that tangibility comes from something that has already been here, that came before us.

    In terms of calculating and measuring, the odds of accuracy are terrible, with many things having an error percentage over 99%. Why? Because we cannot account for previous events as they happened but given the ones that have come along in our recordable history, we are learning that rocks that formed 10 days ago can be aged by modern instrumentation to be over 100,000 years old. Layers that should have taken millions of years to establish have been created in less than one day.

    One thing is clear to me… we’ve learned, but not nearly as much as we think we have, or as much as the experts want us to believe. Ya know, gotta get that funding… For all the things that point to intelligent design (God), we sure don’t want to go down that road because then man would have to humble himself and live under the knowledge of inferiority. If we look around, we have a natural resistance to that. Coincidence? Not if our “aliens” are supernatural.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2074

    Interesting take Stillakid.
    I disagree with some of it and agree with some of it.
    As a species, we don’t know what we don’t know.
    Example: Global warming? There are mountains of evidence from man to show it as a naturally recurring phenomena and mountains of evidence from man to show it as a man made problem. ( what’s the “constant” here by the way….? )
    No different that the spreadsheets I created at work to do my budget projections. Who is my audience and what do I want them to know?We are constantly searching for answers to things we may never know given our limited intelligence ( like zipper merging) but yet we keep searching and hoping.
    I think this planet will divest itself of us as a species long before we enter the Star Wars “world” but that may just be my fatalism rearing its ugly head.

    Posts: 24424

    Stillakid, that is a lengthy and very detailed post. I will admit it had a similar ring to the posts from that dude about wearing a helmet while hunting etc LOL

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Stillakid, that is a lengthy and very detailed post. I will admit it had a similar ring to the posts from that dude about wearing a helmet while hunting etc LOL

    Similar… only mine are wildly insane??? LOL… Just keep the bucket of popcorn close, this could get entertaining!

    I recently commented on a video of Bill Maher and Jordan Peterson talking about the story of Jonah, explaining how they may have missed the point altogether, based on a personal experience of mine.
    It’s been crickets!!! LOL
    But honestly, I love listening to people explain away things they can’t really explain. Contemplating, discussing… that’s different, but playing the role of an authority is often a quick trip down the road of embarrassment (don’t ask me how I know! LOL). I can explain what I believe and why I believe it, and that’s about as good as it really gets for any of us. I mean, what’s left besides paying the tab and “see ya next time?”

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