What have you Lost?

  • Matthew Sandys
    Posts: 387

    I’m wondering if I’m not the only one to loose some stuff?

    Two Sundays ago I took two of my girls out fishing on trout lake. It was a great day and great time, they helped each other pull up a 27 inch walleye off a tip up.

    Fast forward to today, I go to load up to go to Bowstring and I can’t find my flite lite any place. The only thing I can think of is I did not lock it down and it fell off or someone stole it (not as likely). I was not going fast as my 10 year old was on the 120 snowmobile. It hurts know I have to buy another one.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6363

    That sucks. I have to say not much for me. I am always double checking everything.

    I have some buddies famous for losing stuff though.

    One funny story, one night late on Mille Lacs we moved and the screw must have come loose on my buddies Strikemaster and we watched as the auger separated from the head unit and dropped down the hole. So we set up shop and started fishing and spent the next couple hours drinking beer and coming up with a plan. He had and old school gen 1 Aqua View camera we dropped down and then we dropped a tip up line with big hook and eventually hooked and retrieved it. Had a pretty good celebration after that one, LOL

    Posts: 518

    oh I have lost items not secured in my boat while going across the lake or driving on the road. tackle, clothing items, last summer a pair of costa del mars on highway 371 somewhere. upset with myself when that happens

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3919

    Lost my otter rod case once. I covered my Lodge but it still managed to work itself loose. When I got home I unloaded my gear and went to bed. As I was laying in bed I somehow thought to myself, “I dont remember taking my rod case out of the truck”.
    Went to garage and sure enough nowhere to be found. Loaded up my wheeler and back to the lake 50mi I go.
    It was laying there right on my track was my rod case.
    I guess it pays to fish small side lakes with no traffic.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012

    I bought a digital scale for the first time. First time out my BIL brings a dogfish to the boat and it was good size so we wanted to get the weight.

    Short story shorter, the fish weighed in at 7.xx pounds and I dropped the scale in the Vermilion after one use.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22389

    Last year on Chisago the kid and I were out hole hoping. Some how or another between the area we were fishing and the next spot the brand new flx28 was left at a hole. I started drilling holes and noticed it was gone within 5 minutes.
    We flew back and it was gone. Another group came to us and told us the guys in a close by shack ran over and grabbed it as I was riding away.
    We walked over and asked for it back, they denied having it or seeing it. So I asked how they felt taking a 10 year Olds stuff. They still denied it. So I told them I would stay parked next to them and the moment they left I would smash out every window in there shack.
    Magically the girl in side all of a sudden remembered grabbing it and was just safely holding it for us, but she didn’t think we were the ones who left it.
    I believe I taught both them and my son a valuable lesson that day.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039

    I bought a digital scale for the first time. First time out my BIL brings a dogfish to the boat and it was good size so we wanted to get the weight.

    LOL that’s pretty funny especially since it was a dogfish.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012

    Today it’s funny. That day watching $39 or $49 go into the drink, not so much. )

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012

    I posted this back in 2005 or so.

    Dad was bragging on the way to 3rd River Landing about the fact that when they camp there, no one ever took anything from them. Camp stove, rod/reels, tables you name it, all the stuff for camping that’s normally left outside.

    Well on the last day we came back from fishing and were having lunch before we went home and dad said “where’s my panfish pole”. It was leaning up against the truck but after a thorough search, sure ’nuff, it was gone. He wasn’t very happy and it didn’t help when I asked him what he was saying on the way up.

    Done with lunch and I for no reason, decided to go for a walk. A few trucks down, I notice a rod in the topper glass of a pick up. Asked dad to come over and he positively ID it by the jig. The topper door was locked but the tailgate opened and our rod was back.

    The fella had chain saws, plastic gas tanks and a 24 pack of beer sitting back there all for the taking. I was just glad we left before the fella(s) came back from fishing. I had visions of nearly 70 year old dad being in a fist fight.

    But on the way out off the lot, I told dad to stop and I grabbed the 12 pack. I wasn’t even drinking beer back then but the only other thing I could think of is opening everyone of them…didn’t seem like enough.

    It was a public access. We should of known there are always different people using it and some would have sticky fingers sooner or later.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11160

    I was at the cabin last weekend and was ready to head out on the lake.
    Wait! Where’s my auger, rod box, smitty sled?
    Looked in the shed, then the garage, basement. Nothing! went back thru and checked everything again. Nothing.
    Dang! Someone steel it of the truck last time I was out?
    This is going to expensive. doah
    Wait a minute, I’m thinking it’s down in the boathouse. rotflol
    Just another Senior moment.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9139

    I’m not sure I’ve lost anything substantial ice fishing – maybe a scooper down a hole or some jigs dropped down a hole while tying. I am pretty good about consciously looking back every few minutes as I hike out with ice gear. When fishing with other people, we have the person with the least gear last so that they have room to pick up anything that doesn’t stay secure.

    Open water has cost me nets. I’ve got this terrible habit of landing a fish in the back of the boat trolling and leaving the net laying slightly in the splash well. This isn’t an issue most times, but on occasion the wind/bite dictates trolling only in one direction, so I quickly motor back a qtr. mile or so without stowing much to make another pass.

    I can’t think of anything trailering either as 99% of my fishing involves me driving 2 miles to the river launch. With the tritoon we donated a couple kids’ toys that my wife thought would just ride on the floor towing at 65mph without telling me.

    Posts: 2962

    I usually only wear my good sunglasses while fishing. But while at the cabin a couple of summers ago we went out swimming off the pontoon and realized I never made the switch and I still had my Costas on from fishing earlier in the day. I thought they were a good snug fit so I jumped in. Came up for air and… no Costas. $230 at the bottom of the lake. Just stupid and lazy. I have a new pair now and I bought a good tether in-case I ever find myself in that situation again.

    Posts: 4497

    Not ice fishing related but quite a few years ago on opening day of duck hunting I realized I forgot the battery for one of the decoys so I flew back home. When I got back to the lake I couldnt find my 2 week old 1500 dollar Benelli. Dad said I think it was on your tonneau cover. Oh great. Lucky it was cased and I was going fast enough it landed in the ditch on the first big corner leaving Grandpas driveway and no one seen it. Can tell you in my early 20’s I didnt have the money to replace it.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12748

    Last Winter I did the classic one. I dropped my Cell phone down a hole. We were hole hopping with my buddy drilling and me using the flasher to check each hole. I bent over to adjust the Gain that had gotten bumped and splash. Sure enough my cell phone dropped out of my chest pocket that I must have only partway zipped close. Ouch. It seems like every summer or two I lose a small cooler from my boat while trailering to or home from a lake. Last year my wife bought me a little nicer one so I decided I would be more careful with it. All was good till my last outing of the year. Sure enough when I got home I went to take the drinks out and dump the ice – NO cooler. It had several cans of pop and some ice in it. I have no idea how it could have blown out. Oh well, I’ll have to watch for a new one at garage sales come spring.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13105

    i’ve been told i’ve lost my mind on an occasion or 2!!!!! whistling doah

    seriously, think to only thing of significance i’ve lost was an ice chisel….it was one i made!!!! maybe an occasion tie donn strap!!!!!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22389

    Cell phones. To many cell phones.
    Must have 5 in the bottom of Chisago alone. They now stay in my truck

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22989

    2 things jump out at me… a couple days before moving to Maui the first time, I left my wallet lay on the tonneau cover, as I was loading some groceries in the truck, drove home 6 miles and realized I didn’t have my wallet. I had about 600 bucks in it, but more importantly, my license (ID) to board a plane !!! I drove back to town and just passed a stop sign, I see something laying on the road.. yup !! My wallet ! Dodged a bullet there.

    Next one, fishing in the Castle, 40 feet deep water, my Iphone goes down the hole. We dropped the camera down just to check, somehow, after going down 40 feet, it ended up smack under the hole it went in on !! My buddy had a swedish pimple on a line and I managed to drop it on the screen (which was lit up with Siri asking what I needed) and then proceeded to hook the Otter Box case and pulled it up 40 feet ! It was shot, but I got it back !!!

    At the intersection of Pools 6 & 7
    Posts: 595

    Years ago I was fishing in a little blue Minute Man shack and it was real windy. I was getting buffeted by some strong gusts. Then a real big gust blasted through and the top crossbar went right down the hole. There it was sticking straight up on the bottom of the lake. Of course attempts to snag it were futile. My brother in law and a friend were on a shanty next to me and when they heard me bellow loudly they thought I had lost a big fish. I wasn’t hard to make a new one out of conduit.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12748

    Cell phones. To many cell phones.
    Must have 5 in the bottom of Chisago alone. They now stay in my truck

    Ouch !!! and I thought 1 was painful

    Posts: 3438

    I lost a beckman net on Pool 4 one year, and I lost a pretty nice rod on Mille Lacs while I was lifting the rod out of the holder the fish made a big run and pulled it out of my hands.

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 1163

    So many pairs of pliers. Also, a sweet pair of Macho Man style sunglasses in the wheelhouse that went on after either A) Keeping a walleye or B) Having a decent amount of beers. Inevitably option B was their downfall.

    tip of the mitten
    Posts: 412

    i remember reading here that a few people have lost hand guns down their ice holes. ouch.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12693

    I don’t think I have any ice fishing ones, but could write a short book on summer fishing…

    Wright County
    Posts: 3211

    Im always double checking and triple checking stuff before I leave and even mid drive home ill hop out and recheck. Probably an issue I need to work on.

    Posts: 3319

    Summer fishing over the years 2 St. Croix rods in the lake. I have a habit of leaving dip nets at the cleaning station. I carry the fish to clean, rinse it, lean it somewhere to dry and forget it. doah

    Posts: 13108

    I have a TV in the garage. Mostly background noise but will watch a vikes game or Wild in there.
    One day I couldn’t find the remote for the life of me. Cleaned garage twice looking for it. Was driving me nuts. Well another week goes by and I decided to wash the truck in the driveway. As I am drying my truck I see something wedged between the bed and the cab. After a bit of work to remove, sure enough it was the remote for the TV wedged in there.
    I’ll be damned never thought to look there. jester

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012

    I was guiding. One fella asked me if I’ve ever lost anything to the river. I told him about the scale story, but added nothing while guiding. It was shortly after that he took his hat off that hand my headlight on it and all three of us watched it sink slowly to the depths down river.

    He felt so bad, he bought me a new light even after I told him he didn’t need to.

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