What do you like to spool your reel up with? Braid w/ Fluoro or Mono?

  • #1744663

    I always been one to just use 2-4 lbs mono on my spinning reels for ice fishing and thinking I’d switch to a braid/ fluoro leader on my new Okumas. I’m also thinking I wouldn’t have to re spool every season like you should do with mono. Besides, kind of sick of the coil in mono when fishing. Just looking for some input. Thanks!

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    Lots of threads on this, depends on how much you fish outside.


    If I could search the threads I would. If there is a way to search threads, I don’t see it.

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1450

    I’ve got them all…


    I’m leaning towards using a fine braided with a couple feet fluoro leader. Pros/cons on that set up? I just figure it might cost more up front for the braid but wont have to change it out every season.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Braid will freeze outside and cause problems much more than mono or fluoro will. I have finally removed the last of my braid for ice rods except for my Sturgeon rods. Plus I’ve experienced interference on my bird and vex with braid when it freezes, no bueno.

    For Walleye rods, I’ve just been using P-line CX Fluoro coated mono. It’s worked well for me, so I see no reason to change. Plus I can string all 8 of my rods for $20.

    For Panfish rods, I’ve been using Suffix Ice Magic 3lb and Invisiline 3lb. Couldn’t really tell you which one I like better, but leaning towards the Invisiline.

    Posts: 144

    Did the same thing. Tried braid on a couple rods for a couple seasons. Switching all back to mono & flouro now. I fish outside too much. Braid made the eyelets freeze up more often, and froze in the spool also. Didn’t like it.

    Bass Thumb
    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 1200

    If I could search the threads I would. If there is a way to search threads, I don’t see it.

    Upper left of the page for me on an iPad. It’s the symbol with the three horizontal bars.

    For walleye, I use Sufix 832 standard braid (not ice braid) in 6#. It’s tied to a small swivel, then 24″ of 6-10# high-quality fluorocarbon. At the end is a snap.

    Sometimes for walleye I prefer 4-6# Sufix Ice Magic. It’s very supple and doesn’t freeze up like braid.

    For panfish, 3# Ice Magic is my go-to. It’s flawless panfishing line for size 500 spinning reels since it doesn’t form significant coils or jump off the spool like straight flourocarbon sometimes does.


    Glad I mentioned the braid. I’ll just stick to using that in the summertime. Is there any memory with flouro? Like there is with mono?


    I decided to get PLine Fluoroclear in 3 lbs to spool up the reels. They make Floroice, but, searching threads on here, it was mentioned a few years ago that its the same as fluoroclear. So. I’ll give that a try.

    jarrod holbrook
    Posts: 179

    I use braid on my walleye rod because we fish 20-30′ FOW. There is no stretch and I like the hook sets. We do mostly fish out of heated shanties preventing freeze and the jigs are heavy. I tried braid on my pan fish rods and took it off after a few trips. Line freeze and ice accumulation was bad. YMMV

    Posts: 2218

    This is what I use and it works great. Not sure why more people don’t use it. Super good line. Shawn

    1. 15161564326132009034331.jpg

    SW Eyes
    Posts: 211

    Braid with Fluoro is my go-to for walleye. Many of the pros have been mentioned: no stretch, small diameter, no spoil memory, etc).

    I don’t have the extreme freezing issues others are mentioning. They are there, but I used to get iced up mono also.

    I have never been broken or bitten off with braid joined to fluoro with a blood knot. Not once. I’ve lost multiple large fish (walleyes and northerns) to mono. So, maybe it’s just a confidence thing. And maybe that all coincidence.

    The only thing I dislike about braid is slip bobber stop issues. I’ve found they don’t sinch up real well and can slide around when going in and out of the eyes on the rod.

    Posts: 2129

    Highvis mono to swivel then to Pline for a leader.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13919

    I have rods rigged for many different applications. Some braid, mono, floro,… no wonder why I have so many rods doah


    Thanks guys for all chiming in on this topic. Looks like everyone has their own thing on what works or not, whether inside/outside the shack. Deep water/shallow and species targeted. Definitely be buying more rods rigged up for various ways. yay

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