What brand bow do You use for bowfishing?

  • Tyler Schaefer
    Southern Minnesota
    Posts: 67

    Post pics of bows, and name of bow.

    Posts: 65

    No pics but all I shoot are Mathews bows.
    My favorite is q2xl

    Posts: 9321

    Hoyt Game Getter 2. Probably from the 80’s. No need for a fancy bow to shoot slough pigs.

    Nic Barker
    Central WI-Northern IL
    Posts: 380

    Browning Micro Adrenaline, paired with a Cajun reel seat(I think it’s Cajun) and Zebco reels. I shoot Zebco 888,808 and my extreme back up is a 606. Paired with 100lb power pro.

    In bowfishing brands don’t matter, all that matters is draw weight and your familiarity with the bow. Also youth bows are generally king, smaller and lighter you are able to move it around a boat better, and they are usually lower draw weights.

    Find yourself an old Craigslist special (that’s not going to explode when you pull it back) and set the draw weight at 30-45 pounds. I am constantly surprised to hear about guys who are pulling 50lbs plus, to shoot fish. That’s overkill in my opinion and when you are waiting on a fish, or shooting 70+ times in a night or day you don’t need to pull that much weight.

    Yes there are now bows built for bowfishing specifically, by AMS, PSE and Martin I believe has one, and the advantage to these bows is they are set at a constant or unlimited draw, meaning the bow has full draw weight all the way through the pull and it has as much power at half draw as full draw. That comes in handy for “snap-shooting” but its not always worth spending the money on a brand new bow if you are new into shooting fish.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13919

    Most of the hard core guys I know don’t shoot over 40#. As Nick stated, most don’t use compound bows and keep it simple.

    I rep the Tribe Archery Triton and Triton Pro. The advantage to these are the inexpensive replacement limbs to go up to 50#.


    Nic Barker
    Central WI-Northern IL
    Posts: 380

    Most of the hard core guys I know don’t shoot over 40#. As Nick stated, most don’t use compound bows and keep it simple.

    I rep the Tribe Archery Triton and Triton Pro. The advantage to these are the inexpensive replacement limbs to go up to 50#.


    My next bow is going to be a recurve, so I will definitely keep the triton in mind. I must disagree with saying compounds are not preferred. Alot shoot them with the most high end being onieda bows.

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