What a Richard Crainium (thanks iowaboy)!

  • Deleted
    Posts: 959

    Gassing up today at the Nelson WI handy mart & saw this right at the base of their gas price sign…..right in the corner.

    My best guess ? Someone was gassing up & maybe just then realized their bucket, with crappies, their scoop, at least one tiny pike and a rod holder…..was still in the back of their truck ? Then dumped the whole works on the ground there?

    1. 025AB1AF-7FCC-4F5A-A080-69327E7F200E.jpeg

    2. 4F9F4E70-C0A8-4A89-9A02-2FD0FCC3922E.jpeg

    Posts: 5321

    I tend to think people aren’t as douchey as we all think. Very well could’ve fell out the truck mistakenly, broke the bucket, good person came by, wanted to dispose of the garbage but give the fisherman a chance to reclaim his fish and scoop that he/she was bummed out to go missing on way back home.

    Posts: 959

    In that case, I hope you’re right and the owner will see it and go retrieve it.

    I’m not such a believer in humanity, a lot of people just suck. It wasn’t in a spot you could really see it until you walked up close. I never saw it from the road.

    I saw a kids toddler bed earlier this week, on my morning trip to town, off in the ditch. I put it up by the road so whoever lost it might see it and it was gone by the afternoon.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9119

    I’d almost guarantee someone was not really eager to clean just a few fish they threw in a bucket early on and cowardly left it behind while fueling up.

    On a completely seperate note, this is a very underrated spot to stop for bait and beer. You cannot go wrong with a 30 pack of Hamms for $10. You also scoop the bait yourself and I’ve had good luck with it staying alive for quite a while in a 5 gallon bucket on the garage floor (crappie minnows, fat heads, suckers, shiners).

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I was gonna comment on the Hamm’s deal. rotflol

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12744

    You cannot go wrong with a 30 pack of Hamms for $10.shiners).

    Some would say you COULD go wrong with Hamms beer at any price jester

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9119

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>buckybadger wrote:</div>
    You cannot go wrong with a 30 pack of Hamms for $10.shiners).

    Some would say you COULD go wrong with Hamms beer at any price jester

    If they threw in a complimentary roll of Charmin with the Hamms… it would be a much more wholesome deal

    Posts: 425

    I tend to think people aren’t as douchey as we all think. Very well could’ve fell out the truck mistakenly, broke the bucket, good person came by, wanted to dispose of the garbage but give the fisherman a chance to reclaim his fish and scoop that he/she was bummed out to go missing on way back home.

    Maybe. Then again it could be someone’s idea of catch and release. Maybe.

    Kurt Turner
    Kasson, MN
    Posts: 582

    PEOPLE!!! hope beads is right & this was not as it appears.

    Good gag potential… grumpy old men comes to mind. Hot day in a car? Wasn’t me…

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985

    I bet a half block down, on the side of the road… there is a 29 pack of HAMMS.

    Posts: 959

    I’m with big_g , buckybadger & fishthumper !

    I bought a 30 pack of hamms last year and ended up using it for beer batter. I couldn’t even drink a whole can of that nasty stuff ! I hear they only make it for the tightwad farmers that buy it for their help. Some are used to that crappy beer from south of the border.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5249

    somebody may as well take the fish home and eat them instead of having them go to waste. wash em down with some Hamms and good to go. BK probably on the way right now?

    Posts: 2218

    Was it too heavy? I’m 24 miles south. If not too heavy I need a new skimmer.

    Posts: 3950

    brother Thomas,its not Richard,its Richard cranium.
    as far as hamms goes,I remember the pictures of it in the bars when I was a kid a hunnert years ago,wasnt hamms bear pee after it drank out of the minnow bucket???

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    Is that a empty Spam can I see?
    Asking for a friend.

    Posts: 959

    If it’s still there when I go get tomorrow’s 30 pack of Busch Light ….. I will just take the whole mess and make the best of it. At least I’ll have a new rod holder and scooper.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    What’s amazing to me is that for nearly 100 years Hamm’s was the premium beer. And now it’s only good for making beer batter.

    Totally understand it’s personal preference. I don’t care for light beers and I don’t care for dark beers the flavor of Hamm’s, Coors banquet, grainbelt premium, appeals to me. Toss in the price of a 30 pack of Hamm’s at $15.00 when it’s not on sale and it’s a no brainer.

    Yeah, although I believe in people doing positive things, finding fish laying outside as in this case gives me a negative feeling.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Just read my post above. I didn’t intend to make it sound that serious.

    Posts: 35

    It’s Wisconsin ….. What do you expect..

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