Wells Fargo……."it's a new beginning."

  • Dutchboy
    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    Yes it is. I read in the paper today they are being investigated yet AGAIN. Anybody still banking with these guys get what they get.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22107

    I dumped my account with them when they were first getting all over the news and went with the credit union through my union

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    All bankers are crooks but some are worse than others.

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    Same here. Dump Both Wells Fargo and, even worse, TCF about 5-6 years ago and went straight Credit Union.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    All bankers are crooks but some are worse than others.

    I’ll disagree with that statement,
    I have an awesome Banker that I deal with.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Might be time to switch. I’ve escaped unscathed so far, but now I feel like I am pushing my luck.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12260

    Given what Wells Fargo has been caught doing in the past, it’s hard to come to any other conclusion than that organization is rotten to the core. The whole organization right to the top showed a shocking lack of ethics, certainly NOT what you want for the people you trust your money to.

    Also, I think a lot of Wells Fargo customers would like to leave, but they feel it would be a big hassle to redo all their automatic payments and loans. Most credit unions will help with this process and they have it down to a few minutes. They also may be able to help you terminate your Wells Fargo loans and replace them with loans from the credit union. Sometimes these may come with a lower interest rate.

    Dump Wells Fargo. It’s time for that stage to get outta town.


    Posts: 201

    I used to have my mortgage, car loan and checking with them. Now its just checking. Its getting annoying that they keep messing up.
    Go to quicken loans for mortgage. They’re out of Detroit and absolutely awesome to work with. Just ask anyone that has them.

    Posts: 1166

    I have 6 mortgage loans for my primary and rental properties through credit unions. However, I leave my checking at Wells Fargo because frankly, I don’t really care. It’s a checking account and none of their problems apply to basic accounts. I like big banks for checking accounts because it means I can easily find an ATM anywhere in the country where there are no fees.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5557

    I’ve been using Wells Fargo for some banking needs for nearly two decades and I haven’t had any troubles. I’m wondering if sometimes the media hypes things up beyond what the average person will actually experience with a company.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    WF called us recently with a fraud issue. We had to meet with them to close down our old checking account and start over with a new one. New checks, new cards, etc.

    Aaron Kalberer
    Posts: 373

    We have a couple private student loans through them, very high interest rates and no one to buy em out and consolidating is out of the question. They have no interest in helping us get the interest rates down either. Great credit in the very high 700s and never miss a payment.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    All bankers are crooks but some are worse than others.

    I guess one could say that’s a pretty broad statement.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 1678

    I just feel really bad for the executives at these companies. They work so hard, then when someone else screws up they are shown the door. A lot of times they are only getting like $10 million severance packages too!

    Makes me appreciate where I am and everything I have. I used to work for Target and when Steinhafel got ‘let go’ I think he only got $60 million, that’s only like 4 years salary!

    I wish the employees that make these mistakes would think about all the executives and their family’s lives that will be affected. After all, these executives share so much of their wealth and then they are forced to take the fall.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    I just feel really bad for the executives at these companies. They work so hard, then when someone else screws up they are shown the door. A lot of times they are only getting like $10 million severance packages too!

    Makes me appreciate where I am and everything I have. I used to work for Target and when Steinhafel got ‘let go’ I think he only got $60 million, that’s only like 4 years salary!

    I wish the employees that make these mistakes would think about all the executives and their family’s lives that will be affected. After all, these executives share so much of their wealth and then they are forced to take the fall.

    Top actors get 20 million for filming 4 months of sometimes a really crappy movie. Lets not forget about those guys/gals ) That’s like 160Mil for 4 years.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    I have 6 mortgage loans for my primary and rental properties through credit unions

    It’s amazing WF hasn’t bought any of your loans! I had a friend refinance just to get away from WF, only to have his refi loan sold back to them. I left WF years ago when they started nickel and dime’ing you to use a checking account, and have no interest in going back. I wish they would let these big banks fail when they screw up…

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8983

    Consumers have all the power in our economy. It’s unfortunate that not enough understand this and will not take the time to shop around for better rates, less hassle checking accounts, better security, etc. I was amazed when I took out a mortgage a few years back how varied the interest rates could be from bank to bank within one general area. Too many people settle when it comes to money and service from businesses.

    Wells Fargo should have already collapsed due to customers leaving and investors bailing.

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