Well this is going to ruffle a few feathers here!

  • Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2318

    Wow! Nothing like escalating well beyond what has been asked for! No doubt it’s far from passing and will likely be amended.

    “Nash, Fischer, Lillie and Skraba introduced:

    H. F. 2824, A bill for an act relating to game and fish; providing for a continuous open season for taking largemouth and smallmouth bass; amending Minnesota Statutes 2024, section 97C.395.

    The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy.”

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2318

    I should clarify my opinion. I’m not opposed to what has been put forth. Just think that a catch and release period during what is now closed would have been sufficient.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3205

    My guess is that will be the compromise to get it passed

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9119

    Leave the harvest attached too.

    Bass populations aren’t hurting. Don’t waste more taxpayer money hashing this thing out back and forth

    Posts: 13088

    Wow! Nothing like escalating well beyond what has been asked for! No doubt it’s far from passing and will likely be amended.

    “Nash, Fischer, Lillie and Skraba introduced:

    H. F. 2824, A bill for an act relating to game and fish; providing for a continuous open season for taking largemouth and smallmouth bass; amending Minnesota Statutes 2024, section 97C.395.

    The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy.”

    Is this different from what was discussed for 5 pages.

    Posts: 25044

    Is this different from what was discussed for 5 pages.

    Ha! I dont much recall that one because I dont fish bass, but I thought that was a catch and release season. This is pushing for open season with harvest (though who keeps bass anyways) vs a catch and release portion of the season.

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2318

    Is this different from what was discussed for 5 pages.

    Yessir. Suppose I could’ve added to that thread. Captain is correct on the point that this goes beyond a catch and release. But the more I read on it they maybe have to do it this way first and then the catch and release period is addressed by a DNR rule.

    Posts: 13088

    Got it thanks. I’m fine either way. Harvesting fish isn’t taboo.

    Posts: 1878

    This makes no difference to me. They still aren’t going to open the Ottertail to Smallmouth harvest, even though they so we can encourage some size increases. And Smallmouth taste pretty bad, at least out of a river.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12744

    I’m all for an open keep season different than current one. I’d prefer to keep my bass during cold water. Winter SM would be yummy

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9119

    I’ve caught some SMB out of icy cold water that tasted fine. Preferrably the 12-14″ fish. We kept a few deeply hooked LMB running tip ups one year and once fried it was tough to tell them from anything else too. I wouldn’t want to eat one out of 75 degree water, but that’s different.

    There are plenty of lakes and river systems that could handle some increased harvest to help the size structure. Some backwater spots are just plump full of 12″ largemouth on the river.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19021

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Ripjiggen wrote:</div>
    Is this different from what was discussed for 5 pages.

    Yessir. Suppose I could’ve added to that thread. Captain is correct on the point that this goes beyond a catch and release. But the more I read on it they maybe have to do it this way first and then the catch and release period is addressed by a DNR rule.

    That would be my assumption too.

    Amended later for a period of C & R only after the season is opened all year.

    Posts: 590

    Awesome bill, ask your reps. to support it!

    Copy and Paste from a different group to add some clarification:
    “This is the required statute language that establishes the opportunity to have a catch and release season from the end to Feb until the current walleye opener. The remainder of the ‘law” would be defined in Rule making. ”

    As we know statute is never straight forward of course. It is written into law that we can not target bass out side of the season. This statute change will allow bass angling year round. If passed, the DNR with their rulemaking authority will declare it a c&R season etc.

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2318

    Awesome bill, ask your reps. to support it!

    Copy and Paste from a different group to add some clarification:
    “This is the required statute language that establishes the opportunity to have a catch and release season from the end to Feb until the current walleye opener. The remainder of the ‘law” would be defined in Rule making. ”

    As we know statute is never straight forward of course. It is written into law that we can not target <em class=”ido-tag-em”>bass out side of the season. This statute change will allow bass angling year round. If passed, the DNR with their rulemaking authority will declare it a c&R season etc.

    Thanks for the clarification. Hope it passes!

    Full draw
    Posts: 1666

    This is great news.
    I will be emailing my rep tonight when I get done fishing a border water.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19021

    “This is the required statute language that establishes the opportunity to have a catch and release season from the end to Feb until the current walleye opener. The remainder of the ‘law” would be defined in Rule making. ”

    As we know statute is never straight forward of course. It is written into law that we can not target <em class=”ido-tag-em”>bass out side of the season. This statute change will allow bass angling year round. If passed, the DNR with their rulemaking authority will declare it a c&R season etc.

    As it is currently, the bass season that starts on walleye/pike opener is C & R until the Saturday prior to Memorial Day, so my assumption is that would also stay in place.

    Posts: 406

    I wish they would tack pike onto this bill with no limit.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3480

    I’m all for open season on rough fish. Game on

    Smallies taste great battered and fried.

    Bass Pundit
    8m S. of Platte/Sullivan Lakes, Minnesocold
    Posts: 2016

    The clarification that this a first step that will later be amended by DNR Rules to be catch and release is correct. That is what the point person, Eric Altena, shepherding this through the DNR process, has stated. If I ever had any questions, Eric was who I went to for answers.

    Posts: 824

    This is pushing for open season with harvest (though who keeps bass anyways) vs a catch and release portion of the season.

    I used to assume that no one kept bass too, since the ‘catch and release’ ethic is so strong among bassers. Then we stayed at a resort in northern MN when an out-of-state group staying next-door was bringing in a wire basket full of big smallies – and filleting them up in the fish house – every day they were there. These were 3lb to 5lb fish on average – some probably 15 years old. We have fished this lake for 25 years and where we used to catch multiple 5lb smallies each day, we haven’t boated a legitimate 5lber in over six years and struggle to break 4lbs.

    Bass ‘catch & keep’ happens more than we think and it can’t be helping the population of large, mature fish.

    Full draw
    Posts: 1666

    I see limits of small mouth taken every year from the Chamberlain SD area. As Brian F said there is more bass kept then what people think.
    I am assuming these are out of state anglers since its guides pictures that I am seeing them in.
    Nothing against eating bass. I just don’t keep any.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6807

    Nothing against eating bass. I just don’t keep any.

    Growing up LM Bass and panfish is what we ate. Dad never targeted Walleye as we were not really on lakes that had them. I haven’t kept one in years now unless I take the old man out fishing.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11126

    I’m all for people keeping some bass, but like any species hope that selective harvesting would be practiced. I know that’s not 100% realistic, but I think if people kept more 2lb bass our size structure in most lakes would improve quite a bit.

    All for it.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9119

    I am far from a bass angler, but think Mahto is spot on. If the bass harvest was year round and for only fish under 15″, I think you’d see a much better size structure in many different systems around the state.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    I’m all for open season on rough fish. Game on

    Smallies taste great battered and fried.

    x2. We eat bass somewhat regularly at the cabin, just nothing over 15-16″ and let the big ones go.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22367

    We keep 12 and 13 inch bass in the winter. I can guarantee once they are cut battered and fried, almost no one will tell they are not the precious walleye. They taste identical. Warm water we don’t because they get a little mushy.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    We keep 12 and 13 inch bass in the winter. I can guarantee once they are cut battered and fried, almost no one will tell they are the precious walleye. They taste identical. Warm water we don’t because they get a little mushy.

    Last summer I cut up and fried walleye, pike and bass in one meal and no one in my family could identify what was what.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22367

    I did the same with crappie bass and walleye. The only one you could pick out was the crappie and that was only because they were thinner.

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2318

    I believe bass are part of the sunfish family and bluegill are the best freshwater fish I’ve had. In my teen years we were fortunate enough to live on a deep clear cool water lake. The old man would occasionally keep a few 12″-14″ largemouth and fry them up. Can not tell them from sunfish or crappies other than maybe fillet size. I agree, would never keep them from warmer water.

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2318

    Even though this has been pointed out by many, I will add that walleye are the most overrated fish for eating. Not saying they are bad at all, just not properly rated.

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