Welded trailer ball hitches

  • kabefisherman11
    Posts: 201

    Does anyone have any experience with these? They are on sale at fleet farm this week. I was wondering if they’re as strong at the bolt on ball designs and how they hold up to the harsh winters. Thanks in advance

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4333

    I have never used one but I would think they are as strong as the bolt type. All hitch products have a built in safety rating. If your hitch is rated at 5000 lbs doesn’t mean it will break at 5005 lbs. They over build them with extra capacity for safety and cut their liability risk.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5178

    Been using one for the past few years. They work great, especially if you only use the same size ball for all of your trailers.

    Posts: 384

    I’d say mine is great I have three welded hitches my hog trailer is a 2 5/16 and everything else is a 2 but you never know when you’re gonna need the 1 7/8, the hitches are 10 years old since my dad had them

    Posts: 201

    The reese one I have is rated to 6000lb and those curt ones are rated at 5000lbs. So that made the decision easier.

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