Weiners and Ring baloney

  • riverruns
    Posts: 2218

    All the meat is separated, weighed out in tubs, and ready for grinding tomorrow morning. peace

    Saturday we will start stuffing, and then put into the smoker.

    Weiners (hot dogs) we have 190#, and ring baloney 225#. It goes pretty good with the guys that show up. They have done this for a number of years so that makes it complete. waytogo

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    Posts: 112

    Sounds like a fun time. That is a bunch.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    wowzer…….thats alot of weenies and bologna!!!!!!!! does any beer accidently get spilled in them?????? jester mrgreen

    Posts: 2218

    wowzer…….thats alot of weenies and bologna!!!!!!!! does any beer accidently get spilled in them?????? jester mrgreen

    My thought is beer has a better place to go than in meat. whistling

    One guy adds it to his brats. I’ve never added it to any of my product. He claims it’s good. waytogo

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    How’d the meat fare next to that garage door last night? Little firm today maybe?

    The cold scared Ma’s plans to death for being in your neck of the woods today River so we’ll have to plan on another time in the future.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11079

    If your sending any to the women’s prison the wieners need to be cut up. whistling

    Posts: 2218

    How’d the meat fare next to that garage door last night? Little firm today maybe?

    The cold scared Ma’s plans to death for being in your neck of the woods today River so we’ll have to plan on another time in the future.

    Tom, my garages are built underground. So it never gets to freezing in them. I have a heater in the garage so I can heat it when I want too. The meat grinds better a little stiff as you know.

    Tomorrow we’ll be stuffing. Starting 8am. wave

    If your sending any to the women’s prison the wieners need to be cut up. whistling

    Well I’ll plan to never visit one them. doah

    Posts: 2218

    Well we got started at 8am this morning. We were finished stuffing and all cleanup by 230pm. 1/2hr lunch unpaid.

    Baloney went in at 1030am this morning. Wife and I pulled it out of the smoker at 630pm. It looks great.

    Weiners went in at 630pm. Those will stay in overnight. I’ll fill the smoke generator and smoke tube around 8 and again at 11 tonight. Then that’ll be it until the morning. I’ll take them out then. Smoke will last until 3am or so.

    Posts: 2218

    A few pictures.

    1st one stuff cleaned and drying.

    Baloney out of smoker.

    Weiners ready to go in the smoker.

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    Posts: 2218

    Well I guess the pictures reversed.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    What do you stuff the wieners into? Collagen? Natural? Sheep?

    Posts: 2218

    26-28mm casings, sheep for weiners. I use the pre-tubed weiner casings.
    These are so much nicer.

    Beef casings for baloney. AlL casings come from MAR-CO Sales. Burnsville MN.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    A few pictures.

    1st one stuff cleaned and drying.

    Baloney out of smoker.

    Weiners ready to go in the smoker.

    man that looks great. waytogo one heck of an operation!!!!!!!

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    Ah, this looks just like a bunch of baloney to me! rotflol rotflol rotflol

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Pickle some of that ring baloney!!! Then send me some. )

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Pickle some of that ring baloney!!! Then send me some. )

    Funny you should say that….I’m bringing in some polish sausage to cook, then pickle.

    Just put them in the warm water to thaw.

    Posts: 2218

    Pickle some of that ring baloney!!! Then send me some. )

    Anyone want to share a recipe. I love pickled food. Never tried baloney or polish sausage, and I have both.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I just finished packing mine…now for a couple weeks in the fridge and then some fine ding and a cold beer. This is Polish Sausage.

    I made a simple brine I’ve used before. I cook the sausage and cool, then remove the casing and cut each in half. They get stacked into a quart jar and covered with the brine, the lid screwed on then put in the fridge for a coupe weeks. I check them to see when the brine has gotten all the way thru the meat.

    I used 3 cups of vinegar [white or cider, either one…this is cider in the pic] about a tbsp of canning salt and a tbsp. of sugar. Just dumped the pickle spice until I thought it was good enough….no specific measure on it. Heat the brine until the sugar and salt are dissolved and pour into the jar with the meat sections being certain to have enough to fully cover the meat.

    The meat is fully cooked so a heating in a water bath is not needed and actually a hot water bath will result in the pickled meat being encased in gelatin that the heat extrudes from the meat. I’m not big on the jelly stuff so I do mine after they’ve been fully cooked in a shallow pan of water, turning often so they aren’t really browned but still fully cooked. I’ll add water if needed to get then sausages fully cooked. When done I remove the casing before stuffing the pieces into the jar.

    A couple weeks of rest is usually good enough to start digging in. Ring bologna is another great pickling sausage. Do it the same way, same sort of brine.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Pickled ring baloney is a staple in Michigan where I grew up. Odd it never spread elsewhere. Kinda like pasties. I order it about once a year. Just placed an order yesterday.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    Kinda like pasties. I order it about once a year.

    The stick on gel type? rotflol

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