I just finished packing mine…now for a couple weeks in the fridge and then some fine ding and a cold beer. This is Polish Sausage.

I made a simple brine I’ve used before. I cook the sausage and cool, then remove the casing and cut each in half. They get stacked into a quart jar and covered with the brine, the lid screwed on then put in the fridge for a coupe weeks. I check them to see when the brine has gotten all the way thru the meat.
I used 3 cups of vinegar [white or cider, either one…this is cider in the pic] about a tbsp of canning salt and a tbsp. of sugar. Just dumped the pickle spice until I thought it was good enough….no specific measure on it. Heat the brine until the sugar and salt are dissolved and pour into the jar with the meat sections being certain to have enough to fully cover the meat.
The meat is fully cooked so a heating in a water bath is not needed and actually a hot water bath will result in the pickled meat being encased in gelatin that the heat extrudes from the meat. I’m not big on the jelly stuff so I do mine after they’ve been fully cooked in a shallow pan of water, turning often so they aren’t really browned but still fully cooked. I’ll add water if needed to get then sausages fully cooked. When done I remove the casing before stuffing the pieces into the jar.
A couple weeks of rest is usually good enough to start digging in. Ring bologna is another great pickling sausage. Do it the same way, same sort of brine.