Website Performance

  • Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6146

    I wanted to peel this topic away from the other posts.

    How is the site running today? As Dave mentioned, there has been some updates to the server yesterday. Since then I have had the chance to use IDO on my phone, tablet, and PC from multiple locations. Everything seems to be running super fast. I can see several new posts were uploaded with pics. I’m assuming that is working as well. I have stayed logged in on all of these devices.

    So, how is your connection today? Let me know! Give me a waytogo or a moon

    If you have not logged in for a while, give it a try and say wave


    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22215


    So far so good.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3177

    I think this is the longest I’ve gone without seeing a CF error for quite awhile, haven’t got one yet today.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Working great here, but then it always does unless I’m loading more then one photo. (the server gods kinda like me I think)

    1. 16807522_10203039197338586_6936306927910558207_n.jpg

    2. Big-Sturgeon.jpg

    3. 62402350_10214484070603145_987732307873890304_n.jpg

    4. 14517581_10202412636954968_7400813672445957125_n.jpg

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    About 1 second at the “checking to see if the site was secure” screen and here I am. wave

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Someone call Iowa Boy and have him check it out.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12685


    So far today, It is good. Got right in when signing on. I have not made a post yet. That will be the real test. Hopefully the updates fixed most of the issues lately

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12685

    Looks like I still have the issue where when I make a post and hit Submit I just get a spinning wheel of death. I normally wait a minute or so and hit submit again and then get this Message ” Duplicate topic detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that. ” I then sign out of site and when I sign back in, sometimes my post is there, Other times not. I have just always copied the post just in case I need to start the post over again. Not a huge deal, but kind of a hassle.

    Posts: 3932

    Someone call Iowa Boy and have him check it out.

    Wtf!! I have begged, pleaded, asked kindly for help for over four years and I kept getting the blame for it being my fault or my servers fault for the problems experienced here??
    Not only that, there are pages of complaints by many here for the same problem and every answer was, it works fine, try this, try that, its on your end??
    BK, I even sent you my phone number at your request and I told you I couldnt talk that night and you replied, If you cant do it now it wont happen ?? or something along those lines??

    NOW, when people are threatening to leave MAGICALLY in less than one day SUPER DAVE by accident discovers that someone else’s magic box is to blame??
    I call BS!!!

    AND please, someone kick that one guys ass who thinks its funny folks are pissed and leaving a FREE site so high over his frigging head he has to take his hat off to poop, ya, I get it totally, its a free site!!
    But for the love of Pete, before you have diarrhea of the keyboard please realize how much work some of us put in to keep this site informative!!

    1. ya-right.gif

    SE MN
    Posts: 5249

    I have not had many gripes as most but works great for me 99% of the time. Welcome back Sheldon, hope you are doing well

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5749

    Significantly better performance seen here. I stay logged in and everything loads in a snap. Thanks!


    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3265

    It seems a bit better on this end this morning. Otherwise it is what it is. It’s free so stuff happens that I relate to that fact. Its basically a time eater and since I am retired I have plenty of time.

    James mentioned that Dave has been involved in other projects that make money so I can understand how his being here once in a while works and its not his fault so I don’t look there.

    Posts: 5321

    Squeaky wheel gets the grease.

    Way it’s always been and always will be. No reason to get butthurt about it

    Posts: 886

    As of this morning it took me 20 minutes and 3 attempts to post a simple text only post.

    Posts: 24859

    Seems good too. I can’t remember if it was yesterday or not but I did have to log in again but no worries there.

    Posts: 765

    No complaints today.

    Posts: 2051

    Running smooth and fast now

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6146

    NOW, when people are threatening to leave MAGICALLY in less than one day SUPER DAVE by accident discovers that someone else’s magic box is to blame??
    I call BS!!!

    Yep, you busted us! I guess BK, Dave and myself can cancel our weekly “How can we tick of Iowaboy1 meeting” now.


    Easy on the cuss words. You’re a better man than that.


    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1846

    waytogo Been much better lately. Thx to whoever did the server updates.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5877

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Brian Klawitter wrote:</div>
    Someone call Iowa Boy and have him check it out.


    Speaking of “Super Dave” that was from Idaho or Utah area, where has he been? I know he was battling his health, anyone heard?

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17493

    Back to slow for me today. Maybe to many users on at once?

    Posts: 4802

    Back to slow for me today. Maybe to many users on at once?

    yesterday was terribly slow for me. today so far so good

    Posts: 24859

    Speaking of “Super Dave” that was from Idaho or Utah area, where has he been? I know he was battling his health, anyone heard?

    Sorta forgot about him. Havent seen him post in a long time hope he is OK. I looked and he was last active a year ago.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3913

    Been getting worse this whole week…

    Posts: 335

    It is slow at 6am so I doubt it is due to high traffic volume

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5749

    It was pretty good for about a week but now it’s actually worse than it was before. Click on a post and it just sits there


    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22215

    It was pretty good for about a week but now it’s actually worse than it was before. Click on a post and it just sits there


    Same for me.

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2030

    I’ve noticed I have to close out a lot more now and go back in to get a better connection or whatever it is. Also I’ve noticed that if I close out other apps that I have running and re open IDO it works better.

    At least for awhile…..

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