• tgif
    Posts: 180

    There was a large migration of honkers today which began Thanksgiving Day. I’m guessing the pop. in Rochester might increase 10,000+. I saw wave after wave all day and into the evening. Anyone field hunt today? I was checking ice.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    i hunted north east of roch the last two days.

    yesterday was pretty good. saw a lot of birds, actaully shot a couple (rare for this spot).

    went back out there this morning and SAW a grand total of 3 geese . how pathetic is that. gonna try a spot a little closer to town tomorrow, hopefully it works out better.

    there is still open water on the contry club pits with several hundred geese keeping it open. lake shady is almost all froze up, other than about a 20yd spot out in the middle. we need to get a some snow on the ground before it really starts to pick up. get them thing off the golf courses and soccer feilds .

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    i hunted north east of roch the last two days.

    yesterday was pretty good. saw a lot of birds, actaully shot a couple (rare for this spot).

    went back out there this morning and SAW a grand total of 3 geese . how pathetic is that. gonna try a spot a little closer to town tomorrow, hopefully it works out better.

    there is still open water on the contry club pits with several hundred geese keeping it open. lake shady is almost all froze up, other than about a 20yd spot out in the middle. we need to get a some snow on the ground before it really starts to pick up. get them thing off the golf courses and soccer feilds .

    Posts: 180

    The geese are piling into any open water on the lakes. Could be some good pass shooting if you can get access to huntable areas.

    Posts: 180

    The geese are piling into any open water on the lakes. Could be some good pass shooting if you can get access to huntable areas.

    eastern iowa.
    Posts: 185

    you guys keep up the good work and send them gooses to iowa. today was a banner day on the ole muddy mississippi. 12big honkers are now dressed for the table. too bad they don’t outlaw those barges during waterfowl hunting. they spoiled two more groups that sat in the decoys. if it had been another 15minutes later. oh well, gotta save some for those southern il. guys, they don’t get to shoot many geese don’t ya know.

    eastern iowa.
    Posts: 185

    you guys keep up the good work and send them gooses to iowa. today was a banner day on the ole muddy mississippi. 12big honkers are now dressed for the table. too bad they don’t outlaw those barges during waterfowl hunting. they spoiled two more groups that sat in the decoys. if it had been another 15minutes later. oh well, gotta save some for those southern il. guys, they don’t get to shoot many geese don’t ya know.

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 344

    Yeah, there are alot of geese around. We ended up shooting a four man limit in about an hour and a half. Pretty awesome!!

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 344

    Yeah, there are alot of geese around. We ended up shooting a four man limit in about an hour and a half. Pretty awesome!!

    Posts: 180

    Yeah their a blast to fold. You gettin’ some bands?

    Posts: 180

    Yeah their a blast to fold. You gettin’ some bands?

    Posts: 152

    Goose hunted 3 days in the last week. Rochester geese are suicidel right now.
    I know of over 500 geese shot in the last 10 days. It’s just nuts Hope to get out one more time before the split.
    No bands

    Posts: 152

    Goose hunted 3 days in the last week. Rochester geese are suicidel right now.
    I know of over 500 geese shot in the last 10 days. It’s just nuts Hope to get out one more time before the split.
    No bands

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    hey predator, which side of town have you been huntin?? how far out??

    my experinces lately has been the further out of town you get the less geese you’ll see, but the better chance you have of actually getting them to commit. we hunted a feild right on the line last sunday and got the complete fly over. never got a single looker. saw hundereds, maybe thousands, of geese but they just had no interest what so ever.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    hey predator, which side of town have you been huntin?? how far out??

    my experinces lately has been the further out of town you get the less geese you’ll see, but the better chance you have of actually getting them to commit. we hunted a feild right on the line last sunday and got the complete fly over. never got a single looker. saw hundereds, maybe thousands, of geese but they just had no interest what so ever.

    Posts: 152

    Hey jake
    We hunted nort kind of out far and the geese did a no show on us They had flown over that field very hard for about a week. We set up turkey day and notta. What we did see came from the north and acted as if we were not there.
    Went west sat. afternoon and had birds work good we managed 4 birds. We passed alot of pairs and singles triing to get the bigger groups in. Due to heavy winds we had alot of birds stall out and look at us at about 60 to 80 yards. Sat. went with large group back north on the line and shot 33 : Igot alot of friends that have been out alot and doing realy well for the last ten days.
    I think it’s like this. If the birds you see hunting are fresh they decoy… and the 0nes that have been here awhile are alot tuffer and fly by…or ya get a single or pair off the back of the string to do a suicide run into your spread instead of the whole flock.

    Posts: 152

    Hey jake
    We hunted nort kind of out far and the geese did a no show on us They had flown over that field very hard for about a week. We set up turkey day and notta. What we did see came from the north and acted as if we were not there.
    Went west sat. afternoon and had birds work good we managed 4 birds. We passed alot of pairs and singles triing to get the bigger groups in. Due to heavy winds we had alot of birds stall out and look at us at about 60 to 80 yards. Sat. went with large group back north on the line and shot 33 : Igot alot of friends that have been out alot and doing realy well for the last ten days.
    I think it’s like this. If the birds you see hunting are fresh they decoy… and the 0nes that have been here awhile are alot tuffer and fly by…or ya get a single or pair off the back of the string to do a suicide run into your spread instead of the whole flock.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    Jake: The decoy spread needs to be in the school yard. Running errands around town yesterday showed big numbers of birds at Willow Creek, Mayo, Century, Gage and Bamber Valley. LOL

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    Jake: The decoy spread needs to be in the school yard. Running errands around town yesterday showed big numbers of birds at Willow Creek, Mayo, Century, Gage and Bamber Valley. LOL

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    yeah, i tried that once. some crazy teacher lookin lady came out wavein a ruler yellin like a banchee . i don’t no what her problem was .

    i did think of a new technique last night. if anybody out there watchs “trigger happy tv” it’s kind of the same concept. who needs camo when you can just become one large motion decoy. i think it might just work.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    yeah, i tried that once. some crazy teacher lookin lady came out wavein a ruler yellin like a banchee . i don’t no what her problem was .

    i did think of a new technique last night. if anybody out there watchs “trigger happy tv” it’s kind of the same concept. who needs camo when you can just become one large motion decoy. i think it might just work.

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    oh i found them boys right here out my window i am looking out of during class here at RCTC they are EVERYWHERE right now best is on our football practice fild or else the federal prison parking lot is looking prety popular as well lol is it hard to get permission to hunt geese up here i hunt down near spring valleya nd they are all gone now but i dunno who or what to ask up here cause everything is leased by the sounds of it.

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    oh i found them boys right here out my window i am looking out of during class here at RCTC they are EVERYWHERE right now best is on our football practice fild or else the federal prison parking lot is looking prety popular as well lol is it hard to get permission to hunt geese up here i hunt down near spring valleya nd they are all gone now but i dunno who or what to ask up here cause everything is leased by the sounds of it.

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