Dipsy divers and straight line trolling, you can only have 1 line per man up there so I like to get the bait away from the boat by adjusting the dipsy 1 left, 1 right and throw a straight line deep diver off the back if we have a third guy with us. J plugs have been very good to us recently but Nipigon is a very good spoon lake also, I have wanted to vertical jig them but we always did good trolling plus its a nice diversion for us from casting our arms off for pike and handling alot of pike. For the most part once we are set up its sit back and wait for the action, maybe changing lures if something is hot, we take turns per fish no matter who’s rod because alot of times it can be that one magic lure. Nipigon has its own special regs- like it is completely barbless and the walleye does not open until the second weekend in June so depending on when we go walleye might not even be part of our itinerary, also Nipigon is a world class brook trout fishery.

Posts: 6259
November 17, 2008 at 8:34 pm