We took the pontoon off the lake this morning and helped one hunter load his boat. He got one goose. He said overall a little slow but should have had a few more.
The guys killed 2 geese and 4 ducks. Not a bad day. The kids got some shooting and hitting in. My Rookie dog did excellent I guess. He responded appropriately to the hand signals I taught him. And even did a double goose retrieve without incident. I was very happy to hear he did well. I can’t wait to see him in action for myself.
I hunt the mississippi river zone in wisconsin and this start of sep. 21st is the biggest joke i have ever seen. No reason for this early of start we should just start september 1st if they dont want us to kill any ducks. I guess it helps the fair weather hunters but sucks watching big flocks of northern birds fly by in december and can’t do anything about it.