Which layout blind?

  • doubleshot
    Brooklyn Park, MN
    Posts: 277

    Kooty –
    Do you think the 2X would be too big for you?
    As it was mentioned none of the XL are left.


    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 44

    Looking at layout blinds and need advise. Looking at the gander mountain deluxe layout blind or the rodgers goosebuster blind. Anybody have pros or cons to either or is there a better one I should be looking at. All I know is I want back pack straps for easy transportation. Thanks guys

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1290
    Posts: 351

    For the money I like two blinds first is the Avery Power Hunter for the reason of compact size and portability as well as the fact that it is the lowest profile blind that I have hunted out of. This blind usually runs $149.99 to $169.99 depending on camo, but you can find them used sometimes for around $100. The other blind I like is the Avery Finisher or the Scheels layout blind. I like these framed blinds for the fact that they give better protection from the elements and are a little more comfortable. You can usually get these for anywhere from $150-$300 new and $100-$200 used. Which ever one you choose make sure and go the extra mile and blind them in as well as mud them or cover with dull tan paint. Good luck!!

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I really like this one from Rogers sporting goods, lots of room in this blind inside, especially for a bigger and or taller guy. good price too

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    I bought the Goosebuster from Rogers last year and I love it!
    I’m probably going to try and sell my final approach and get another goos buster. Softer lines and more room.

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