Duck hunters shoot at each other ?

  • cdm
    Oronoco, SE. MN.
    Posts: 771

    The Spring lake area must be full of a-holes every time I read about this area it is about mad and frustrated hunters . Any ideas why this area is so contraversial ?

    Posts: 1054

    Located in a metro area, very limited area that waterfowl use. Most of the ducks use open water or inches deep sand bars with no cover. Not that many spots to hunt. Recipe for disaster. I live 10 minutes from there and gave up in the early 90’s . It was common to have to sleep over night in your boat to get a choice spot. Then someone would show up an hour before shooting time and yelling and sreaming threatning this has been my spot for 20 years etc. That is the norm since there are so few actually good spots. Was just not worth the agressive yelling matches. It took the fun out of it for me north lake is just as bad.


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I wouldn’t call these guys “hunters” either.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    These Metro area public lands should build X number of blinds to adequately cover their areas then hold a lottery for the spots and days. Nominal fee to cover the admin costs. Then we could do away with the negatives of hunting public land in the metro.

    I tried hunting the wildlife area down near Shakopee back in the 90’s. Same situation as above. Got there terribly early one day, setup, and had guys setup within 20 yards of us just before first light. Everybody skybusted. Complete BS.

    Just a thought!


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    They have a similar system out a Lac qui Parle.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    They do the same thing down on Lake Odessa (a backwater area in SE Iowa). I don’t remember how they do the drawing or if its first come first serve but each morning peeps lined up and then were able to go to the spot you got from the landing. Seems like a much better system in areas that don’t have enough room and too many hunters than setting up randomly like on the Miss. where generally there’s plenty of room.


    Posts: 4

    This place in an absolute zoo. People getting out at midnight to reserve spots, and the hunting is not very good.I would rather have a root canal then hunt at this place. I am surprised there have not been more incidents int he past.

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