This should make work go faster 2nite.

  • Quintin Biermann
    Posts: 170

    Well with having to work 2night at the hospital from 7-7 ill still have visions in my head of greenies feet down on the footbags. This morning 5 of us had a great shoot shooting our 5 man limit of mallards 22 drakes and 3 hens, along with 2 bonus gadwall. A 10 mile an hour wind and lots of birds made for a great shoot. Being an RN I am sure getting used to working 3 12s a week and hunting the other 4 . Happy hunting to everyone and be safe – Quintin.

    Posts: 9311

    Nice job keeping the hen count low. Looks like your having a good season.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Great job boys! I don’t know if you could have moved to a better area if you are into waterfowl and walleyes.

    Alma WI
    Posts: 121

    Awesome!!! Awesome!!! Awesome!!! Great shoot

    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081

    Looks like too much fun, nice work

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