T – 10 hours

  • muskybones
    Posts: 372

    Ill be leaving in 10 hours to head to North Dakota for my duck trip. if any one has any good recipes for ducks and geese please post them. I am already smoking 3 of them out there.

    Alma WI
    Posts: 121

    My fav is throw em in the crock pot. Put minimal water in, add butter, salt, pepper, Lawrys, garlic salt, whatever else…. Cook it down for 24hrs on low. Then add your veggies of choice and a few hrs later you have a delicious poor mans stew!!!!!! It takes little time or ingredients, great while on a trip.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    Breast them out, cut them in to strips then marinade them over night. Get thick cut bacon and tooth picks. Roll a strip of duck/goose in to the bacon, once around so the bacon overlaps a bit, cut the bacon and shove a tooth pick through it and grill it until the bacon looks done.

    Like eating candy. Make sure you soak the tooth picks in water for an hour or so otherwise they will burn to nothing.

    If you like hot….get some jalapenos, cut them in half gut them out spread a litle cream cheese in the jalapeno then put a slice of meat on, wrap in bacon and grill. Duck poppers….even better than with just bacon.

    With goose….put 4-6 breasts in a crock pot with enough chicken broth to cover them. Then add some onion, worsty sauce, garlic and/or whatever you like for seasoning . Cook for about 6-8 hours depending on the breast size. Once cooked pull them out and they will pretty much just fall apart but using a fork to pull it apart works great. Add some BBQ sauce and you have pulled goose sandwiches, these are wonderful too. Don’t add too much sauce up front or it will get soupy, you can always add more directly to your sandwich.

    Cook time for duck breasts is far less so don’t mix duck and goose because the duck will get mushy and lose it’s texture. Goose works far better being a grainier meat than duck.

    Good luck and shoot straight.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Post up early next week, or give an update from out there. I leave a week from yesterday.

    For snow geese, I like snow goose chili. Use your favorite chili ingredients and then for the meat I use 1/2 of what’s called for in snow goose, small pieces of breast meat and 1/2 hamburger or sausage.

    Crock pot, yum!!


    Posts: 1552

    I like to cut duck/goose breasts into strips and marinade in a stir fry sauce. I then cook them in a wok with your veggies of choice. I usually only brown the strips and then add the veggies and cook it down. You don’t want to cook the meat to long before adding the veggies. Like any other game, you never want to over cook it.

    Cougareye – That chili sounds excellent. I’m going to have to try that this winter. Good luck in ND!

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