Introduction and updates (pics included)

  • Quintin Biermann
    Posts: 170

    Hey everyone Quintin Biermann here. I have been an avid member of IDO fisihng now for the last 8 months and am now jumping into the hunting side of IDO. I grep up hunting anything that moves and now live in Day county SD in the heart of waterfowl country. I work as a nurse in aberdeen so have a decent amount of time off allowing me to play in the mud more than the average hunter. We started chasing honkers here on the 4th and now are into duck season, duck season goes into december with our late goose season running into february and then it is time for snows soon after that. Here are some early goose season pics just a few highlight hunts to wet the appetite as well as pictures from our duck openor this past saturday and sunday. The goose pictures are a 106 bird, 41 bird, 50 bird, some band action, and a 72 bird hunt. The ducks photos are from openor Saturday we shot out 30 mallards for 6 of us as well as 3 woodies 2 wigeon and a gadwall, and sunday the woodies caught heck with 24 mallards, 10 woodduck drakes, 1 wigeon 1 gadwall, as well as 4 bonus geese. Hope you all have a safe fall. – Quintin

    Posts: 351

    Nice pics! I love the Aberdeen area and spent a couple years at Northern State in the early 90’s. The snow geese, dark geese, ducks, pheasants, deer, walleyes, etc, etc. Welcome to IDO Hunting!


    Quintin Biermann
    Posts: 170

    I grew up around the west metro norwood young america region and had great hunting growing up. Going to school at the university of sioux falls as well as SDSU I fell in love with this state and couldnt see living anywhere else. – Quintin.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Welcome to the Hunting side of IDO Quintin! We are glad to have ya and look forward to your future reports. You are in the heart of the meca in my opinion.

    Alma WI
    Posts: 121

    Holy S%&* !!!!! All those pics are amazing, Hey, Welcome to IDO! I just joined the hunting side also…. Wow, you have had some amazing hunts!!! Thanks for sharing your pics with us also.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22972

    Ever see any geese over your way ??? NICE JOB and welcome to the better side of IDO (BK sightings are rare )

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    Welcome to IDO hunting! Great pics!!

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Holly Smokes !!!

    You guys must have your skies black out !!

    Great pix guys !!

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Oh hell yeah. As soon as the Asian Carp take over the upper Mississippi, I’m moving to South Dakota.

    Now just to get wifey on board.

    Posts: 231

    Welcome! Good to see another fellow South Dakotan on here. Looks like you have the waterfowl figured out. I bought a 3 1/2 inch shotgun 5 years ago becuase I was going to start goose hunting. So far I’ve only shot trap with it…

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13916

    Quintin, welcome to the other side!

    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081

    Welcome to IDO! Always nice to see another waterfowler jump on board. Looks like you guys are really puttin to um this year, nice work! The Dakotas are certainly the place to be, got it all out there.

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