Duck boats are important keys to duck hunting itself. Yeah, mudbuddys are talked highly of. But to me, my 16ft semi-v with 25hp evinrude works just fine for me. My 111 ducks and 4 geese will back that up. The boat goes through hell every year, so take that into account when buying your duck boat.
This year me and a buddy made our own boat blind for hunting the last 4 days of the duck season. Worked very well. The first pic is of the first day we had the boat blind in action. We got a 3 man limit.
The blind itself does not mount or attach to the boat in any way so it is very portable and easy to use. The top half of the blind has flip open doors on each side as you can see in the first pic (the ducks are laying on the flip open door). The blind, when not in use, folds up and lays right in the boat! 
For grass, my buddy has tons of pompus grass in his backyard. We shoved pompus grass under chicken wire to camo the outside. As you can see, the blind does not cover the whole boat. So to camo the rest, we ziptied huge bundles of that grass and then ziptied them to the boat. We also made huge grass mats to lay over the side, front, and back of the boat for more camo. This blind turned out awesome! We even used my heater to stay warm the last weekend of the duck season which was very comfortable.
For a 16year old, i would take my rig over most others. Ive hunted out of true duck boats and the mudbuddys are nice, not gonna lie. But truly, keep it simple.
Duck hunting isnt easy, and your equipment will go through hell. Ive learned that very easily the last couple years.
Sorry for the blurry pics. I couldnt get them to turn out clear.