PETA invented the trigger lock!

  • woolybugger1
    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    Since my 11-87 came with a built in trigger lock, I use it. I have kids around so it just makes sense. You can guess the rest of the story.
    Yesterday after work, trying a new spot, decoys deployed, waiting for the evening flights, in comes a flock of 40 or more greenwings. Yup, couldn’t get the safety off. Forgot the key at home. Guess you call it catch and release duck hunting.

    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 325

    I have never had this happen, but have thought about how I would feel if it did, and I bet it’s much the same as you were feeling. I have an 870 with the same deal, and never use the lock, I use the kind that covers the whole trigger. I do however carry an extra one along in my shell box, just in case. I feel your pain!
    Does anyone out there know of something that can be done in the field if the key is forgotten???

    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 325

    I have never had this happen, but have thought about how I would feel if it did, and I bet it’s much the same as you were feeling. I have an 870 with the same deal, and never use the lock, I use the kind that covers the whole trigger. I do however carry an extra one along in my shell box, just in case. I feel your pain!
    Does anyone out there know of something that can be done in the field if the key is forgotten???

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Carry a extra key in your wallet, thats what I do with my truck & car key. I have a gun safe so I do not use trigger locks.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Carry a extra key in your wallet, thats what I do with my truck & car key. I have a gun safe so I do not use trigger locks.

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    leave the trigger locks at home, that way you are not going to me watching dinner fly by. then when you are back home and not hunting anymore, you can then put the trigger lock back on. I have all of my guns up north ont he farm, but when i get a house, I will have a safe and will not use them trigger locks. I use them on my pistols that i have at my home, but that is about it. I leave them at home when i case the gun to head out hunting.


    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    leave the trigger locks at home, that way you are not going to me watching dinner fly by. then when you are back home and not hunting anymore, you can then put the trigger lock back on. I have all of my guns up north ont he farm, but when i get a house, I will have a safe and will not use them trigger locks. I use them on my pistols that i have at my home, but that is about it. I leave them at home when i case the gun to head out hunting.


    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    This new 11-87 has the trigger lock built in. Circumstances were that I wouldn’t be home durring the day but there would be a couple of kids around. On my way to work, knowing that I would be jumping into my waders and heading out as soon as I got home, I locked the trigger on my way out of the garage. Anyway, haste makes waste.

    I plan to get a safe, hopefully in the spring. I suppose then I will be looking for recomendations.

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    This new 11-87 has the trigger lock built in. Circumstances were that I wouldn’t be home durring the day but there would be a couple of kids around. On my way to work, knowing that I would be jumping into my waders and heading out as soon as I got home, I locked the trigger on my way out of the garage. Anyway, haste makes waste.

    I plan to get a safe, hopefully in the spring. I suppose then I will be looking for recomendations.

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