building a snow goose e caller

  • neverhome
    Anoka county
    Posts: 302

    I am building a snow goose call and had a few questions for anyone who has built one. Will a 300 watt amp be enough juice for 4 speakers with 50-75 ft of speaker wire per speaker? what gauge speaker wire should I use? Will a tractor battery work ok for a day in the field? Anyone know where to get a couple cheap mp3 players? I am building one because I have not been impressed with the two that we use that were purchased, not to mention expensive.


    Posts: 2014

    I run a 400 watt 4×100 and it’s plenty. depending on the draw of your speakers it 300 should be fine, although my max wire is 50. not 75. I run 2 50′ and 2 25′. Haven’t tried a tractor battery but I don’t see how that wouldn’t be enough.

    As for MP3 players I would just go get the 2nd cheapest you can find @ Walmart or target. if their only use is for snows. I have 2 of those and my ipod with everything loaded as my last resort back up.

    Anoka county
    Posts: 302

    Thanks, what size speakers are you running? I am not much for this audio stuff.


    Posts: 2014

    Running 4 of These But they also make a 50 watt. Figured for about $10 more I would just spring for the bigger rather than testing, and maybe wanting to upgrade. But RARELY do we put all 100Watts to the test. mainly for our own sanity. 4 speakrs near your blind is LOUD!!!!!

    I’m sure other guys may disagree. I do know a couple guys who run 2 systems, 8 speakers total (4 per system) but only use 50 Watt speakers. They always come home with birds.

    Anoka county
    Posts: 302

    We have been using 2 systems with a total of 8 speakers and have done well for the most part with six guys in the spread. One system has 25 watt speakers and the other has 50 and it is loud but not as loud as I think it should be. Maybe I am just being picky. I also thought the speaker wire on both of the systems seemed small. I was thinking 18 gauge. I think I will do 100 watt powerhorns.

    Thanks again

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