IS It February?

  • whiskeyandwater
    Posts: 2014

    Finally the New year has come, only now that The light of the snow goose season is at the end of the tunnel time starts to drag. One would think the annual garage party for painting socks would help time fly, but after the first 5 hours it gets old and all I want to do is run in a field sticking thousands of them in the ground. I NEED HELP!!!!!!

    Wife yelled at me for starting to get the travel boxes of gear packed up in the back of the truck the other night. Too soon?

    arcadia wi,
    Posts: 213

    get your fix!go ice fishing,time flys when your on the water hard or soft

    Anoka county
    Posts: 302

    just ordered 20 dozen more sillosocks.. Now that pheasant season is over its time to put some socks together and do some painting. At least the beer is cold! I love doing it tho.

    Posts: 2014


    get your fix!go ice fishing,time flys when your on the water hard or soft

    Thats the problem, I try, but it’s just not doing it this year. ALthough maybe if I didn’t go with the same guys I’m going Snow goose with we wouldn’t talk about snow geese.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    I went ice fishing twice already this winter…..that’s enough! Especially since I fell through all the way up to my arm pits the first time!

    We did kill some geese between christmas and new years, but it wasn’t easy.

    I’ve put a lot of decoys together this winter already. As well as a couple other gadgets that are going to make it into the spread this spring. We dumped all the vortexs and flyers.

    If anybody is interested, we (White Rock Decoys) are giving away a free guided snow goose hunt in SD this spring!

    Sign up for a chance to win!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I signed up! Joined the FB group too for the bonus day!

    No could someone tell me what a snow goose is?

    Posts: 2014


    I signed up! Joined the FB group too for the bonus day!

    No could someone tell me what a snow goose is?

    Posts: 20

    Jake, I just ordered some of your dekes yesterday. I am excited to try them out this spring for my first time snowgoose hunting. I will be 6 miles from Hecla and hope to find some birds at some point when they are in the area. I have 6,000 acres that I’ve been bowhunting the last few falls and have seen the snows then, just don’t know what to expect in the spring, first time for snows. Got any tips?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    Just signed up. Those socks look pretty cool.

    For someone that has never been snow goose hunting, how important is it to have a mix of socks and full bodies in order to effectively bring snows in to range?

    Posts: 2014


    Just signed up. Those socks look pretty cool.

    For someone that has never been snow goose hunting, how important is it to have a mix of socks and full bodies in order to effectively bring snows in to range?

    I’m thinking back, and I don’t think last year we even put out one full body last year. That’s just us.

    Jake did I win yet?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    That’s an amazing area. You should have some luck. The thing about snows is they are a here today, gone tomorrow bird. The good thing is new arrivals come through daily.

    The one challenge with snows, it can take a ridiculous amount of decoys to pull them in some days.

    Good luck!

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