N/central ND

  • buckshot
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    Just got back Tues night from ND, trip was okay but the weather really put a damper on the success.
    We scouted Sat afternoon when we got there, found a great field several hundred honkers and a good # of mallards. Our anticipation for an awesome shoot Sun morning was crushed when we awoke to fog so dense you could cut it with a knife. Without GPS I never would have found the field, not that it mattered, the fog didn’t break until late morning after everything was done flying. We heard A LOT of geese and ducks all around us but only were quick enough on 2 mallards that gave us a long enough look to knock them down. I was calling all morning trying to let all the birds we could hear know where we were but we only caught glimpses of a few birds.
    Sun night we hit a slough with a good # of ducks, we snuck up to it and gently spooked’em out tossed out a few dekes and they just never came back.

    Mon we hit the same field again since we didn’t educate anything Sun morning. We were greeted by mist but much better visibility….we were on the spot again feathers and droppings everywhere but nothing wanted to finish. We had 1 flock of lessers get all tipsy for us and we thought they were going to drop right on top of us but we made the cardinal sin of letting them “come around 1 last time”….they never did.
    It started raining harder about 10:15 so I got the truck and we got out of the field with just a snow, a honker and a couple mallards.

    Mon afternoon in the steady rain we hit a larger body of water that had a lot of divers on it and we had a a good time, we shot 3 of the 4 bills we could have and sat and watched small flocks of bills work the dekes all afternoon, we did bag a nice buff, young drake redhead and a teal. Of course every time I went out to get something we knocked down we would see something OTHER than bills so there were some missed opportunities on cans, buffs and goldeneyes. We also saw a bunch of snows drop in to the lake in several big flights(500-1000 birds each) so that was fun to see. Finally we were soaked to the bone and decided to fill out our limit of bills and head out, only took about 5 minutes and the 4th one was down. We picked up and headed back to dry out.

    Unfortunately our trip was cut short by the blizzard they were talking about for Tues afternoon and Wed, we had planned on hunting through Wed AM but with the weather decided to bail Tues morning and head home. From the sounds of it we made the right call it got nasty up there.
    I hope to try and make it back out there again this year but who knows. The results were lackluster but we had a great time and that is what matters most.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Sounds like a fun trip JB.

    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 974

    I don’t know how many times I’ve been burned by the “let em come around 1 more time”….

    Great story, glad you made it back safe!

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12622


    What area do you hunt? We have hunted the Perth/Rolla/ Rock lake area for many years. I have not been back for a few years now but my buddies have. We were not able to make it out their this year. Already have plans to make it back out next season. Way back 10-12 years ago we use to shoot a ton of snows but the last few times I was out we only shot a few. They have moved their route about 100 miles west. We usually do real well in the fields on mallards and Pintails and do a lot of pothole jumping. If it is wet you can jump potholes all day long in that area. Looking forward to getting back out their next year. If you make it back out their GOOD LUCK !!!!

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    I would give my left…….pinky finger to be hunting ND tomorrow thru the weekend!

    Missed it by that much

    La Crosse/St. Charles
    Posts: 63

    Sure hope you’re right Jake…heading out tom. night to hunt Sat. thru Fri. in the Mcclusky area. Anyone have have any pointers? Never done much of the field hunting. Thanks.

    My river
    Posts: 1678

    we shot limits everyday when we were out there but they were all gads widgeon shovelers and teal. shot 2 mallards the whole trip. it was tough. i think its going to be tough to top that trip we had out there john… as far as the amount of birds and how easy they came. u hunt divers in that lake we were at a few years ago?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    I hear ya Jake…I was wishin I was on my way IN there on Tues not out of there. Talked to one of the resort guides we ran in to at the bar Mon night and he was saying the next 4-5 days were probably going to be the best of the season.

    We were in the Devils Lake area, everyone we talked to had different levels of success from 1-2 duck days to a couple guys talking about limits but the marginal reports far outweighed the good ones, even the guides were struggling a bit.

    Hey Kris, yup hunted the same point. It would have been nice to see a better mix of birds like we had when we were there, this time it was 99% bluebills. We had a pair of redheads come in and took the drake, 2 teal and got 1 of them and the Buff was a single. We saw a few cans and a couple small flocks of goldeneyes, everything else on the lake was bluebills.

    My river
    Posts: 1678

    we talked to sid when we were out there and he only gave us 2 days to hunt. we only got one morning out of it because we had a nother spot that a truck was also scouting and we wanted to make sure to get that spot first. we shot our 12 pretty quickly on that point despite hardly any cover. im sure you seen some of my empties laying around haha. we shot our cans some redheads bills ringnecks and some puddle ducks. wasnt hardly anything for ducks out there compared to usual but my god those islands were loaded with honkers. few swans but tens of thousands of honkers…

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