Lost a Good Friend

  • walleyefisher87
    Central MN/SJU
    Posts: 241

    Well two weeks ago I put down a good friend and longtime hunting partner of mine. Maggie wasnt the worlds greatest dog, i trained her myself and could read her like a book, but she was mine and she knew what she loved, and that was hunting. Im in my last year of college and the previous four years i have brought her up to school for several months in the fall. Well Oct. 1 my mom called and said Maggie had been having serious problems breathing and that we should start talking about what we should do. She was 10 at this point and a big lab and I knew this day was coming but just not this soon. I lived at home this summer and worked hard to keep her in the best of shape as possible. I knew we werent going to be able to hunt as hard or as long as we once might have but i was perfectly fine with that.
    Well a long story short we discussed many different options and elected to just go ahead this fall and put her down. She gets very bored during winters for one, and two my mom said on her daily walks there had been several instances where Maggie would just lie down and whimper, because she couldnt keep up. This was the tell tale sign to me that she wasnt doing so well because the 12 acres that our house is on is probably was her most favorite property to be on. She knew every smell and pheasant there was to be had.
    The day we put her down was sunny and beautiful. I was able to take her out and shot 10 ducks. She made four retrieves and then she was tuckered out so that was fine. They were able to give her the shot in the back of my truck which was both very peaceful to her and me.
    The memories that i have and so many others will never be forgotten. The memories and pictures will last a lifetime, so she will not be forgotten.
    R.I.P Mags and we will be reunited some day. I firmly believe that she will have the pheasants pin pointed that day that we see each other again.

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    Charles, Can’t imagine how difficult that had to be. Glad you two were able to share one last hunt, for now. Hang in there!

    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956

    Man you got me choked up! As Copper said, hang in there!

    Anoka county
    Posts: 302

    They just don’t stick around long enough. Sorry about the loss.

    Posts: 217

    She will always be close to you in your hart. Sorry for your loss.


    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    Thoughts are with you!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Man that sucks.

    What a great story and pics about your girl. Thanks for sharing it with us here. Sorry to hear about your loss. I know this day is coming for me also and I dread it more than anything. It sounds like you have a ton of great memories and she lived a great life of a hunting dog. I’m sure she is very grateful to have a best bud like you!

    Here is to you Maggie

    West Salem, WI
    Posts: 427

    Wow – that one stings. Great memories with her. Reminds me of my lab in a better place. Thanks for sharing.

    Posts: 351

    Sorry to hear of your loss. I went through the same thing on July 15th with my 12 1/2 year old Chocolate Lab, Loomis. Not a day goes by that I do not think of her and the Fall has been tough. Good Luck and take peace knowing that they are in a better place!


    West Central, MN
    Posts: 338

    My condolences.

    This is the first duck season in 10 years without my boy. He was my duck retrieving machine. I know what your going through. It sucks that dogs age so quickly.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    It is so great that you were able to take her hunting her last day!!! Not very many guys have ever or will ever get to do that with their best friend before they are put down!!!

    Sorry for your loss!!!


    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    Sorry for your loss…I too have had to make that tough choice 2 times. The love they have for us is unconditional, I think thats why it makes it such a hard thing to do.

    Big Sky Country Helena, MT (Adel, IA home)
    Posts: 1160

    U post seriously wetted my eyes, such a great way to end a great dogs life.

    Saturday made me realize that day is not far off for my old golden… I just hope I can send him off in the most honorable way that you did.

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