I get home everyday and look at all the goose decoys, 2 dog kennels, training bumpers, leash – all is still hanging on the wall in the garage.
I remember one time when my neighbor took K.C. out to Ivanhoe, Mn to meet up with some pheasant hunters. These guys were bragging how great their labs were. They spent $4-5K for their dogs, and they were the bomb. K.C. wasn’t in total field shape yet for pheasant hunting – my neighbor Derek told me when he arrived at camp – the other guys asked why he brought an old lab, stating she was a “house” dog. Derek replied “yep”! she isn’t in shape but she is o.k. Long story short, by the end of the weekend, these guys were asking if he wanted to sell the dog and where he got her from. Derek replied, “I got her off the couch” 
All we have is the pictures and memories – and damn, some of them are the reason I think about getting another Yellow Lab