What a shoot!! I had been watching these birds from a far for about the last week, it was about a 50/50 mix of small ducks and mallards. Being it was my birthday Saturday and I had to work at 4, i knew we better make the shots count being we were 3 hours from home We snuck in at about 10 to 9:00 and set 2 doxen decoys only to look up to see well over 200 mallards working into another patch of flooded timber on the farm. We sat in the decoys for about 5 minutes and watched another 200 pile in the other pond before leaving the decoys and sneeking into the other pond. Of course there is no way of getting close to that many eyes, the birds flushed out and we got settled in with no decoys and proceeded to slaughter birds for about 45 minutes before we had our 11 drakes and 1 hen(my first bird of the season, should have led the drake i was shooting at a bit more )as well as a gad and a woody drake. Hands down the best shoot i have ever had!!! At one point we had 50 +mallards cup in and land some birds with in 10 feet of me!!! We had 2 birds sail that we could not find and counted them as part of our limit and left 4 birds short but full of smiles at 10:15
All birds crops were full of corn and soybeans. We saw at least 500 more birds dump in after we were getting to the truck that we let rest until Wensday when it time!! Hope you gys are pounding them right now!!! Im heading to work