Duck season

  • codycroteau
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 176

    WHO’S READY FOR DUCK SEASON?!?! Idk about you but I am getting pumped!!!

    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081

    Early goose is closing in fast Cant Wait!!!

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Gus is drilling and excited for this years season too!

    Posts: 660

    Nice looking pup Dean.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    I’m dying to get out…..until I step outside and it’s 85 and humid… Bring on the cooler temps!!!

    My river
    Posts: 1678

    me too. i dropped about $1000 at cabelas this weekend getting ready. “i need this and this and this and this…….” i sure do love those spend 500 get 150 back cards

    Posts: 539

    Oddly enough I am not pumped much at all. Maybe because I’ve given up on MN duck hunting. I do know NoDak will be a blast this year.

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